Co-instructors need verification too besides the one uploading course?

Hi there. I've been interested adding a course with the help of a Co-instructor.

I (as premium after verification) will be uploading the course in the first place as owner and then I'll add him from his account with invitation as Co-instructor so that he can answer questions and participate in general.

Problem is being not familiar with online sytsmes, they're not interested/don't want to verify online their ID (ID card info, video verification, address etc etc)

Does it NEEDS also them to be verified if they're added via invitation as Co-instructor and they're not directly uploading therefore owning the course?


  • Hi there!

    Great to hear you're considering adding a co-instructor! Regarding your question, yes, Udemy does require all instructors—whether the course owner or co-instructor—to complete the identity verification process. This is a mandatory step to ensure the authenticity of all instructors on the platform. Even though your co-instructor isn't the one uploading or owning the course, they will still need to go through the verification process to be officially added.

    Without verification, they won't be able to participate in key activities like answering questions, managing course content, or handling reviews. Udemy uses this process to maintain trust and transparency between instructors and students.

    If your co-instructor is unfamiliar with online systems, you could guide them through the verification process. It's a one-time procedure and ensures the platform remains secure for everyone.

    Good luck with your course, and feel free to reach out if you have more questions!

    Tarun Rathore

  • Only people interested in earning money through Udemy need to be verified.

    Anyone can be added as a co-instructor without that step if they don't need a percentage of the revenue share.

    Source: trust me bro, I've done this 100 times