Student give payment, gets refund and give negative comment

I am new to this Udemy instructor community. I recently got a student who enrolled for my course, the student also got refunded his money after viewing few of my videos as a preview only and he gave a negative comment which also helped to realize what i missed in my course. It is a good thing I don't blame the student
Can a student get a refund after only watching a few videos and leaving a negative comment like that?
What are your suggestions to improve my courses and avoid these type of negatives comments?
Hi - I hear you. It's happened (and continues to happen) to me all the time. Doesn't feel fair, does it? But you learn to accept it. The important thing is: NEVER take it personally. It can be harmful to your self esteem and mental health.
I think Udemy do have some work to be done on their review system, because students can quite unfairly be very critical for the tiniest of issues (we live in an age where it's easy to hide behind a digital profile and be harsh…), and fail to provide any meaningful feedback that will help you improve your course.
You've got two ways of improving your courses - look at the student feedback and act on it. Note: Not all feedback is useful feedback, so be judicious.
Second refer to my response here: -
I think I have seen Trust and Safety act once on a bad rating in the 8 years I have been an instructor and Udemy make it absolutely clear they have no interest in protecting the work of their instructors as preposterous as some of the complaints I see in this community have been so you'll need to accept that and move on from there. The rating system in itself seems flawed - a bunch of positive ratings barely seem to improve your course score but one rating of 3 can have immediate and catastrophic effects and you'll get those ratings from people who try to skip through the rating process, not realizing the damaged they are doing to your rating. I see it come up in these forums again and again but nothing is ever done.
So the advice Chaprau is giving you is 100% correct. You're in this for the long game and it takes time to build up the kind of momentum that stops your rating from bouncing up and down. Keep improving, keep developing and keep your chin up. You'll always get idiots rating your course but if the quality's there they will always be a minority. Let that feedback harden you and motivate you to improve your content. Keep growing and pay attention to the feedback provided by your students. it takes time and experience to get good at this so allow yourself take that journey. You'll meet some fools on this road but they disappear with time. Keep going!1 -
Just ignore that and move on.
The playing field is even, we are all affected by the same thing.
I think, you've got 2 options:
- Accept it. Move on, and learn to improve from it.
- Complain, be bitter and think it has nothing to do with you or your work