Course Creation

I'm getting very close to wrapping up my course and submitting it for review. I anticipate it being very popular; therefore, does Udemy have a way to prevent multiple logins from different students sharing passwords to their login. A clearer way of my question is, if 10 people tried to all use the same login and watch my course at the same time, does udemy have a way of preventing that to insure individual people pay for my course on their own.
The short answer is, no. It's a very difficult problem that even companies like Spotify and Netflix have trouble solving. Because the risk is blocking people from legitimately accessing their courses which increases annoyance for your customers and the costs of support desk.
It's a low-cost purchase, where most courses are bought for <$20 and instructors make <$5. It's not worth spending a lot of money stopping this low-cost purchase from being shared. Like, would you spend $1 of your $5 trying to prevent password sharing?
The long answer is, it doesn't matter. If your course is "very popular", you will make a lot of money. Worrying about one person sharing their password with their friend or brother is not worth your time.
I have 1.2 million students, and don't worry about password sharing at all. If your goal is to get 1 million students, you'll be fine too.