How to price a new course? What is a good strategy?

I saw that there are many price ranges, what is a good strategy for pricing my course?
I read that using the maximum value is a good strategy because during the promotion period the value is around 14.99 or 17.99 and if you sell outside this period you can earn more, but I don't know if this is a good strategy.
How do you set prices for your courses?
Hello @PedroLeite
In my case, I always price my courses at the lowest amount, which is $19.99. Also, keep in mind that Udemy can change the price of your course multiple times, meaning they set the specific price they think is best, and they do this wisely.
I trust Udemy overall and also when it comes to pricing because our success and the number of courses sold is also their business. To sum up, I don’t think pricing the course is what really matters - it's better to focus on creating great content. That's just my opinion!
Best regards,
Krystian Wojtarowicz1 -
Hi @PedroLeite - It doesn't matter what you price your course at. Udemy will set whatever price it thinks is best. Then it will reduce that price to somewhere between $9.95 and $13.95 during sales.