Thank You and Goodbye: A Message from Your Community Manager, Chrystie

Chrystie Posts: 536 Udemy rank
edited October 16 in Community News

Dear Udemy Instructors,

Well, the time has come! After over three incredible years (and several days in Portugal with some of you), this will be my last week as your Community Manager. It feels bittersweet to say goodbye, but I’ve been so lucky to work alongside such a passionate, creative, and let’s be honest—sometimes *very* vocal—group of instructors! :)

Your feedback (the good, the bad, and the brutally honest) has shaped this community and Udemy into what they are today, and I’ve truly loved watching all of you grow and inspire learners around the world. Whether it was discussing GenAI-related topics that made me do a double-take or working through platform hiccups, this community has been a constant source of inspiration.

While I won’t be here in the trenches with you anymore, I’ll still be cheering you on, watching from the sidelines as you continue to crush it. I can’t wait to see all the incredible things you’ll do next!

You are in great hands with Marina, Ryan, Leonor, Eliana, Bessy, Asae & Carolina. Thank you for making these past few years unforgettable. I’ll miss the conversations, the debates, and everything in between. Now go out there and keep being the rockstars that you are!

Thank you again!  



  • SoyMarketer
    SoyMarketer Posts: 324 specialist rank

    No way. I never thought the day would come. We all will miss you plenty. Good luck 💖

  • Chrystie
    Chrystie Posts: 536 Udemy rank

    Thank you @SoyMarketer! :)

  • You have done a great job Chrystie. Your patience and concern has been appreciated. I'd be happy to give a reference if it is every appropriate. Good luck in your next chapter.

  • Chrystie
    Chrystie Posts: 536 Udemy rank

    @LawrenceMMiller Thank you for the kind words. You were one of the first ones to welcome me into the community and have been a vocal advocate for instructors and Udemy alike. I feel lucky to have gotten to know you over the years.

  • Thank you and good luck on the next journey @Chrystie

  • Bessy
    Bessy Posts: 868 Udemy rank

    Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors! We truly appreciate your contributions and the positive impact you’ve made on our team @Chrystie 😊

  • That's really sad, Christie !

    We will all miss you. All the very best, in whatever you do next👍

  • SharonRamel
    SharonRamel Posts: 1,312 rolemodel rank

    You have been amazing, thank you @Chrystie

  • Faisal
    Faisal Posts: 41 storyteller rank

    Hey @Chrystie it was great connecting with you in Portugal last week.
    Wishing you the very best in whatever you do. Keep shining.

  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,799 rolemodel rank

    Oh no! Best wishes for your next chapter.

  • MichaelPog
    MichaelPog Posts: 983 rolemodel rank

    "Oh no!" That's really the first thing I could think of when I read this announcement.

    Thank you @Chrystie for everything.

    Being the front person to take all the feedback from instructors in the recent years, I always thought that had it been me, I wouldn't be able to cope with it.

    But you've been both kind, compassionate and patient with us while still remaining extremely professional and doing your job, representing Udemy.

    That's a tough job.

    I'll definitely miss you. I'm sure many will as well.

    Best of luck to you, from the bottom of my heart.

  • ScottDuffy
    ScottDuffy Posts: 852 rolemodel rank

    Happy to have met you in person last week, and I know you'll be on to greater things!

  • IanLJ
    IanLJ Posts: 52 storyteller rank

    Thanks Chrystie for all the hard work! Fantastic to finally get a chance to meet in Portugal last week!

  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 1,976 Udemy rank
    edited October 17

    Who’s cutting onions?😪 My heart breaks and I will miss you SO much!
    Working with you every day has been such a joy, and I want to sincerely thank you for everything you’ve done for our team and the community. From the moment you joined three years ago, your positive impact was immediately felt.

    I’m really excited for you as you step into this new chapter, and I know you’ll do an incredible job!

    Thank you for everything, Chrystie!

  • JasonDion
    JasonDion Posts: 259 visionary rank

    We will miss you, Christie!

    Good luck in your future endeavors!

  • RyanJaress
    RyanJaress Posts: 316 Udemy rank

    I'm not crying, YOU'RE CRYING! 😭 You will be deeply missed @Chrystie. Thank you for all you have done for this community and bringing me on to the team. With your guidance and wisdom, the community has become a pillar of Udemy and I'm so proud to be a part of that journey with you.

    I wish you all the luck in your future endeavors, and you'll always be welcome here!



  • NinaW
    NinaW Posts: 27 trailblazer rank

    Thank you so much for being so responsive to everyone. I'll miss you.

  • It was great to meet you in person last week Chrystie and I wish you the very best.

  • ba0708
    ba0708 Posts: 212 specialist rank

    Best of luck, Chrystie, and thank you for the support over the years!

  • PhilEbiner
    PhilEbiner Posts: 170 visionary rank

    @Chrystie ! Thanks for taking care of us in the community. It was so great to get to briefly meet you in person. Best wishes for all you do in the future!