Outlining Your Course: The Winning Spreadsheet (Download our Example)
Hi Everyone:
We find outlining the course before starting production to be a critical process. A good outline makes the entire production process easier. When we started we did a very simple high-level outline, but, found over time that adding more detail avoided many errors and production problems later.
I wanted to share the form that we use at Framework Television-- a company that has produced over 200 courses.
Note that the first tab on the form is a high-level summary, and the second details each and every chapter. The reason we detail each chapter is to provide a road-map for our students through each video which appears in graphical form like this:
The topics on the right-hand side of the screen come directly from the detail part of the outline on the second tab.
But it all starts with a strong detailed outline. I hope you find our form useful. Feel free to make a copy and modify it so that it works for you. Note that there are some relationships set up in the spreadsheet that automatically make copies of content from the first tab into the chapter details on the second tab.
If you find this useful, would you please let me know? If time permits and this proves useful, I'll write a longer post about our course creation process later this month.
Thanks for sharing @MarkLassoff