Course Creation Tips
"What’s one piece of advice you wish you had when creating your first course?"
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Thank you so much for the advice. I appreciate them a lot.
Take the time to create the best product I can with my limited technical set-up. Don't rush to get something published with the idea that you can improve it later. This is a difficult mindset, but be patient and perform at your best. Get all the advice and help you may need as you go. If you can afford professional assistance - go for it.
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Do not rush into publishing your new course. Not only is instructor presentation quality important, visual and audio quality are equally important. Don't be the guy that spends weeks recording the course video's, submits the course for review, only to find out the video or audio quality does not meet Udemy guidelines. Record a short video including the audio system that you will be using for the rest of your course and submit a "Test Video" for Udemy to review. They will let you know if the quality is adequate, if it is not they will recommend what you need to do to improve it. Make those change and resubmit the Test Video. I did not run into this, because I was aware of it before beginning. Also create the best presentation and content you can to provide value to students. Best of luck!