Critical Frontend Playback Issue: Spacebar & UI Problems Unresolved – Urgent Attention Needed!

The video playback seems to start a duplicate instance in the frontend when using the spacebar to play/stop, instead of properly toggling the playback. My ticket number is #9441337.
Please respect our time. Having a ticket means we’ve already had a frustrating experience with your ****** chatbots. By the way, I didn’t respond to the ticket because it directed me to check the instructions on your website, which felt condescending, as if I – a cybersecurity learner – don’t know how to use a browser properly.
Additionally, the video UI does not hide when the video is playing, which makes the interface cluttered and less user-friendly.
I believe Udemy’s customer service needs urgent improvement, perhaps even more than your video frontend. If my experience isn’t addressed, the next place I share my frustration will be in a more public space, where your corporate executives will be forced to take notice.
Take care, human customer service. If you rely too heavily on AI or bots, your boss may follow suit.
This is happening to me as well… minus the aggressive attitude lol. I'm sure the Udemy devs are doing their best. But yeah, my workflow involves using keyboard shortcuts whenever possible and not being able to use the space bar to play/pause when shifting back and forth from my note-taking or development environment is far from ideal. I've had to train myself not to use the spacebar for this site, because otherwise I have to reload the whole page. Oof!
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Seems to be fixed as from today!
I also filled a bug report / support request regarding this, and I received an E-Mail stating this has been fixed today. I tested it again and it works fine now!
Thanks to the devs for the support!