co instructor offer
anyone interested to join with us, as co-instructor, with having good revenue share by 65-35%
Hi. I am interested in joining as co-instructor. Please let me know more details.
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Hi. I am interested.
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Hi. I am interested in joining as co-instructor. Please let me know more details.
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I don't understand why people are so eager here to give up 65% of their revenue to some anonymous person. Nothing was said about what the OP is bringing to the table, who they are, or the proposed division of labor. Please at least read through
There are many ways for co-instructor relationships to go horribly wrong, and if you're not the primary instructor on the course, it requires a large degree of trust. Be careful folks. @tiripathi0096 , can you at least link to your instructor profile and spell out what sort of arrangement you have in mind here? Surely you are looking for people with some specific expertise or skills, right? It would save a lot of trouble if you say what those are.