How Can I tell if my course has been approved?

I submitted a course a week or so ago, and have not received notice of its approval. However I have two courses, one submitted and another is incomplete, but both are listed as "public." Does that mean they are published and open to viewing?



  • RonErez
    RonErez Posts: 269 specialist rank

    It sounds like both courses are publicly available to students. I assume you are looking under:

    Perhaps you received a message from Udemy that your course was successfully published but maybe it's in your spam folder. Try searching for your course on Udemy to see if it appears. I searched for your name but couldn't find your course.

    Note that if you are in a course and click on the gear icon to open settings then you'll see "Course Status". If there is an "unpublish" button then I guess that means your course is published?

  • Hi

    Your courses are live when the status shows published.


  • Where will I see that status?

  • KylePew
    KylePew Posts: 184 mentor rank

    @Steve_Whiteford1 - You will see the status on your courses page of the Instructor Dashboard. It will save LIVE just to the right of the course image.