Is there a way to upload slides without having to do a mashup?

IanBradley63 Posts: 19 researcher rank

Quite fustrated here but wanting to add small slide shows that recap the lessons after every other video. This way the students gain knowlege and are able to have multiple levels of resrouces and detailed content to learn from. I am sure Udemy used to allow for slideshows without the video mash up. Can we get this back again please??


  • ScottDuffy
    ScottDuffy Posts: 904 rolemodel rank

    You can save your slideshow to a PDF, and attach it to an article lesson.

  • That's the work around I am currently doing.

    it's a shame as even Udemy lists in their content that Slide was format. I find many learners tend to want to skip content that isn't mandatory and then for rather longer courses they get confused as they have skipped over crucial content

  • KylePew
    KylePew Posts: 177 mentor rank

    You could screen record the slide show and narrate as you record. But also include the slide show as downloadable resource for the students to browse on their own.