How Do You Stick with Your Goals Throughout the Year?

Hey instructors!

Setting goals is one thing, but staying committed to them over the course of a year is a whole different challenge. As online educators, we know how quickly priorities can shift with new projects, unexpected obstacles, or even changing motivation. Staying on track requires focus, flexibility, and a solid strategy.

How do you stick with your goals throughout the year?

Do you break them down into smaller steps, set regular reminders, or rely on accountability from others? Whatever your method, we’d love to hear about it!

Share your tips in the comments below!


  • RonErez
    RonErez Posts: 249 specialist rank

    Hi @MarinaT,

    I usually keep a note of my current projects and goals, breaking them down into sections. My top priority is to maintain consistency in recording. For instance, I set small, actionable goals like: "Record two lectures every time I go out," or for a specific course, "Record two lectures daily." Sticking to this routine over time helps me make significant progress.

    Of course, this approach requires preparation. I can’t just start recording without planning. Setting these smaller goals pushes me to organize and outline the topics I’m going to cover in advance.

    Another benefit is that my videos tend to be shorter. If I’m heading out, for example, I’ll avoid recording a 20-minute video. Instead, I focus on creating concise 4–6 minute videos that I can easily edit and upload to Udemy. While this bite-sized method may not suit everyone, it works well for me.

    I also find that enjoying the topic makes a huge difference. For example, when I created a course on iOS animations, I was so engaged that I spent hours experimenting, implementing, and recording the animations.

    Additionally, I like to involve my students by creating challenges for them. In my animations course, I post challenges and encourage students to share their solutions in the course Q&A or a Discord group.

    These are some of the strategies that work for me.

    Happy course creation!

  • jonsan
    jonsan Posts: 4 observer rank

    Great post! I find breaking goals into smaller, actionable steps and setting monthly check-ins really helps me stay on track. Accountability buddies are a game-changer too! Excited to see what others share!

  • Hello Marina,

    I let "inspiration come to me" for a new topic to discuss, like when I play my Piano, then I write down all that brainstorming in a plain text document, later I reformat them into "coherent information sections" and I start recording the Classes every day (1, 2 or as many as I can, but I record classes every day),

    My last Course (number 22 already published here in my Dear UDEMY home) has 100 Classes, which were all recorded without discontinuity, from the plain text file creation…