Captioning in another language: creating a NEW course or keeping the same?

I have a question for you: I would like to add Spanish subtitles for my course in French.
As a consequence, will my original course be available (and eventually sold) in Spanish-speaking countries or do I have to publish a "new" Spanish course with me speaking in French BUT with Spanish captions?
Thank you!
Olivier Rebiere.
Hi ;
Welcome to our community and accecpt my warmest congratulations!
I think it's better to evaluate that by adding subtitle first.
Then get feedbacks and see statistics after that you can make better decisions.
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Hi Olivier,
I had a similar question regarding captions in other languages. I'm not sure if it's worth it or not (link to the thread in the Published Instructor club here), but still waiting for feedback.
As you can add captions in other languages, but the course description will only be in the original language I don't know how effective a marketing tool it is to have the captions in other languages.
Following this thread now in case of any insights.
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Here is an answer from Udemy:
Roberto (Support)
Apr 24, 13:58 PDT
Hi Oliver,
Thanks for replying.
Unfortunately that will be against our policies, the language you set it on is the one that you talk in the video.
If you want to know more about it, then feel free to contact our trust and safety team at
Best wishes,
Roberto" (END OF QUOTE)
Well, it seems pretty clear, now!
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Excuse moi Olivier,
je suis un peu surpris par cette reponse parce que j'ai vu que tu avais une formation traduite en français... avec les sous-titres en français et pourtant l'instructeur (Mark je crois) parle anglais.
Donc, ce n'est plus permis aujourd(hui?
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Oui Pierre, je suppose que cela n'est plus permis.
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Merci. Je comprend. On peut cloner les formations dans une autre langue à condition que le speech (et la page de vente) soit dans cette langue.
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Cloner un cours et remplacer la bande son par une autre langue ça se fait comment svp?
Oui ça s'appelle Voix-Off ou similaire,
Auquel cas laisser la bande son originale mais en réduisant bien son volume,
Poser sa voix par dessus, la VO devient la voix off?
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide, je commence à l'instant sur Udemy Prof
Bien à vous