Course pricing

Hi there!

I am about to upload my very first course and I am really unsure of what to price it as. It will be roughly 2.5 hours long. I don’t totally understand how the udemy sales pricing works. I just want to know what I should price my course at. Thanks!


  • Hello congratulation for your first course.. you can select maximum that is $199.99 . Most of the time udemy will sale your courses between $9.99 to $20.00 .. so what advantage you will get?? On your course student will see huge % discount . Say 95% discount.. if choose less to $199.99 student will see less discount...course length is not important for your price.... you can choose any price with any kind of duration.

  • @RachelClare

    I agree with @Yazdani Chowdhury
    , set your price to $199.99. This way your course will be marked the the most when it ultimately sells for $9.99-$17.99. You will never sell a course for $199.99 and are very unlikely to sell one at $19.99, so set your price to $199.99 to produce the biggest discount when it's sold on sale.
