Udemy demographics

Hello everyone,
I'm a new instructor and very excited to get started at Udemy. Nice to meet you all!
I would like to know if there are any current statistics available regarding the nationality of the 24 million students that take classes at Udemy.
Hi Shehla,
You can get more info about the students enrolled in your courses on the performance tab. Check out this support article to learn more about it.
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Hi Abbie,
Thank you for your reply. However, my question is where can I find information of the total population of students in Udemy, not only my students. What I'm looking for specifically is an update on Udemy's 2016 learning trends: https://about.udemy.com/instructors/2016-learning-trends-on-udemy/
Is there any update available? Thanks!
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Hey @Shehla_Turner
, we haven't specifically published an updated version of this. However, Udemy for Business frequently publishes blog posts about similar topics such as Top 10 Soft Skills for 2019 in the Workplace. Check out the blog here!0 -
Thanks Jocelyn!
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Shehla, did you find the stats you were looking for?
Just so everyone knows why I'm asking... I'm looking for Udemy language-base because I want to know how to prioritize my caption creations for my seven 1-hour videos. It's mostly likely going to be Hindi, Spanish, and Chinese. But I'd really like to verify this before spending hours and money...
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Hi Steven! I have not found this information. Udemy has not published updated statistics according to the forum posts. Not sure if this has changed lately.
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Thanks Abbie; I wasn’t aware of this either.
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Great question! I asked this exact same question some months ago. Each Instructor has their own stats based on their students but that is NOT NECESSARILY reflective of the 30 million Udemy student base. I have done some searches on this and I believe that the top 3 countries are US, India and Brazil. Turkey and the UK rounded out the top five.
Anyone please feel free to contradict and let us know your sources.
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@UdemyInstructorTeam Is there any information on this yet?
I / we would really like some information on the overall nationality / language demographics of "all" of udemy.
Obviously we get statistics for our course that is skewed to the language we teach in and no help to guide us on what other language captions to make.
Thank you!