Any plans for city specific Udemy meetups?

Is there anyway to create local communities in Udemy Community website? What I mean is that local city specific communities where users can physically meet at a coffee shop or somewhere and discuss Udemy in person.
These local communities would not be run by Udemy but it would be nice if there is anywhere to create these local communities on the Udemy community platform.
I am from Houston, TX but I have no idea how many Udemy instructors are located and based in Houston.
Hi azamsharp ;
Welcome to our community and accecpt my warmest congratulations!
Great idea!
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I actually spoke with some of the Udemy team about the possibility of doing something like this. I don't think there are any concrete plans (yet), but they certainly don't have any issues with us (instructors) setting up these type of local meets up and gettogethers. I know that many of the other "online education" sites do have these types of meetups, as well.
I am curious, how many folks are in the Baltimore/DC area that would be interested in meeting up? If we have enough, I could probably get a local meetup each quarter or each month setup in my area.
Jason Dion
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Hey @azamsharp
, this is something our team is actively thinking about! If we were to run a formal progran, is this something you'd be interested in leading for the Houston area?As @JasonDion
mentioned, instructors are more than welcome to set up meetups together (virtual or in person) and share them in the community.I can sticky this post for you so folks who are interested in participating can hop in and share their location.
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Yes! I would be definitely interested in running a small local user group. At present the problem I am facing is knowing that how to find people in my city who are in Houston.
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I'll happily lead one in Spain
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This is a great idea! I am new to Udemy with my first course but have several more planned and would love to chat up resources in person with other Udemy instructors. I live near Philly, so hope lots of folks there available for a meet up. This would be wonderful to have different meetups. Good luck with getting one in Houston!
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Hi Azam,
We have run a number of meetups for Udemy instructors and learners over the past 4 years in Singapore, partly because we are so far out here in the East. The experience has been positive and it helps when more experienced Udemy Instructors share their tips with the newbies. My challenge is reaching out to the entire Udemy community and those interested in Singapore and the region so that they know of these meetups. Any idea anyone?
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Hey...I’m new on here and I live in Los Angeles. I’d love to meet some other instructors in the LA area for some meetups at a coffee shop, or wherever. Let’s get something going out here!
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I agree with you. I am from Pucallpa, Peru. This is city is far away.. of course, it should have to be in Spanish... I am not sure but what you recommend is a good idea...
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I'm interested in any DMV meetups too
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Hi Joycelyn,
Any chance to get one going in the Los Angeles area? I'm sure there are some Udemy instructors out here.
Doug May