May Feedback Post: Give and get feedback on your course!

Whether this is your first or fifth course, it’s always helpful to hear from other instructors how you can improve your course content to be even better. Each month, we create a feedback thread where you can ask for feedback and share your feedback too.

Before you share your course content, check out our self-promotion policy and read these quick guidelines:

  1. Be specific. Share what you’re looking to improve or things you’re concerned about so your fellow instructors can provide targeted feedback.
  2. Upload content directly. Whenever you can, directly upload a video or course outline to our platform so it’s easier for other instructors to check it out.
  3. Don’t share course links or instructor coupons. This is a space to share and receive feedback, not sell to other instructors. If you want to reference a course, share the full name of your course without linking it. Instructors can find the course by clicking on your community profile and going to your instructor account on Udemy.
  4. Pay it forward. If you’re asking for feedback, look over someone else’s course and give them some feedback too! Always try to give more than you ask for.

We hope this feedback thread can help you create even better courses!



  • csking1981
    csking1981 Posts: 372 specialist rank



  • I am very new to Udemy, but I love teaching. I recently created a course and following what I learned from a course on creating Udemy courses I added an intro pre-roll and outro post-roll to each lecture. I received a 1-star rating stating that the music was too overpowering.

    CommonSensical Requirements Gathering

    Please review the Intro & Outro Lecture 6, 7, & 8 (all are set up for free preview)

    Lecture 6: Has my original volume

    Lecture 7: Has an adjusted volume

    Lecture 8: Has the VO starting at the very beginning with the music softer in the background

    Here are my questions:

    1. Is the Intro in lecture 6 overpowering?

    2. Is the Outro in lecture 6 overpowering?

    3. If either was overpowering, did the adjustment I made to lecture 7 solve the problem or did the adjustment I made in lecture 8 solve the problem?

    4. If not, do you believe they need to be adjusted in any other way? Length, Colors, VO, etc.

    5. Do you believe that each lecture should have an intro and outro?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

  • JocelynH
    JocelynH Posts: 1,536 traveler rank

    Hi @CommonSenseBA
    , I created a new thread for May so I'm going to move your question over there so folks see it :)

  • Thank you very much for taking the time. I will let you know how it goes.

  • PLenda
    PLenda Posts: 2 researcher rank

    Hi there! I just published my first course on Udemy and I'm looking to see if anyone can give me some feedback.

    My course name is Proven Passive Income Methods and my name is Paul Lenda.

  • PLenda
    PLenda Posts: 2 researcher rank

    Thanks Scott! I really appreciate it. That was all very helpful and I will take all that into account for my next course and get more focused and elaborate in greater depth.

  • I am hoping to offer this seminar and others with similar format as a bridge to offering my group coaching services. I would feedback on the structure of the semminar, if there is anything you think I should maybe modify. The meditations of course would have soft meditation music in the backgrond. Thank you.

    Name of Seminar: Perception: Bridge to Empowerment
    Targeted Audience: Those going through any struggle with a relationship including at work
    Objective: Provide tools to move through these challenges in a healthy and empowered way
    Relevance: In today's world there is constant turmoil and it seems people do not have the tools to handle changes, shifts etc.., this Hub, this Coach hopes to provide them
    Seminar Itself:
    Start with:
    • Check In
    • Relaxation Meditation
    Followed By:
    • Mirorr, Mirror Perception and truth -Lazarus technique
    • Cloze Out of exercise
    Close Excercise:
    • Check In, share any thoughts etc..
    • closing Meditation
    • Thank You for being here, being a blessing
    • Announcement of next seminars and group coaching program, what's coming and where to find out
  • MikeM
    MikeM Posts: 71 storyteller rank

    Hi Scott,

    : Mike M


    1. Golang: Build RESTful APIs with Golang (Go programming lang)

    2. Golang: Build REST API JWT authentication with Golang (Go)

    The first one normally gets twice the traffic of the second one. But, the second course has twice the conversion rate. That is weird.

    Thanks for the help,

  • TatyanaArt
    TatyanaArt Posts: 2 researcher rank

    Hello everyone!

    I am struggling to create my first online course. The quality of my video, where I was speaking in front of camera, was approved. I have no issues with it. Now I need to find a solution for videos, where I draw/paint on a sheet of paper. I tried to make different test videos but all of them are very dark. I tried direct light from two sides, while central light in the room is on and I tried to draw near the window thinking that daylight can help to make video lighter. But the video is still dark. Please help me to find a solution.

    I am an art instructor. I gave around 100 offline workshops and have a lot of experience in this field but I am not very good at finding technical solutions.

  • JocelynH
    JocelynH Posts: 1,536 traveler rank

    Hey @TatyanaArt
    , can you share some video examples of what you've tried? You can upload directly to this site so we can watch them and give you some pointers :)

  • TatyanaArt
    TatyanaArt Posts: 2 researcher rank

    Thank you for the fast reply. This is a sample video. The paper is on the table, the central light is on (two lamps on the celling) and tree lamps are directed to the sheet of paper. The camera I am using is Logitech c525. What else can I do to improve the video quality?

  • I've just submitted my first course. So as soon as it's live, I'll be giving you my info because I'd LOVE your opinion on how I can get the most people taking my course. Thanks so much!

  • ScottDuffy
    ScottDuffy Posts: 906 rolemodel rank

    Hi Mike,

    First, I encourage you to review Udemy's course image policy:

    Looks to me like most of your images violate it by being all text, and I would not want the policy team to be contacting you. The images need massive improvement compared to the Udemy standard. I don't think the images are helping you attract students.

    The Udemy Marketplace Insights tool tells me that Go Programming Language is a very very popular search term - 98th percentile.

    So great topic there.

    The most popular keyword is "golang" and you use it as the first word in both titles, good job there.

    The first course (Build Restful APIs) has a review score average of 4.0. This is one thing holding you back. So what can you do to improve that course and try to get the review score closer to a 4.5 average? The top courses on a search for golang have "4.5 - 4.6" average scores and you need to address this 4.0.

    The other issue could be the course is currently 3.5 hours in length. All the top courses above you in search have lengths from 9 to 70 hours. So you need to look at improving the quality and making more in-depth videos as well.

    The second course is 2.5 hours in length.

    So my advice is :

    - improve the images to attract more students

    - improve the review score

    - make the courses longer to at least match your competitors

    Good luck!

  • ScottDuffy
    ScottDuffy Posts: 906 rolemodel rank

    Good luck!

  • JocelynH
    JocelynH Posts: 1,536 traveler rank

    Thanks for sharing! I'm tagging in a couple other instructors who also teach art to see if they can provide some suggestions :)@Nicola

  • SharonRamel
    SharonRamel Posts: 1,312 rolemodel rank

    Great work @KatherineAp592
    . Are you using this to draw people to your courses? If so great tool! Enjoy the journey.

  • Nicola
    Nicola Posts: 30 trailblazer rank

    It looks as if you need more light. You cab also brighten the video when you get to editing. Also increase the contrast in the editing phase and the lines will show up darker. I hope that helps.

  • Thank you very much

  • MikeM
    MikeM Posts: 71 storyteller rank

    Thank you @ScottDuffy
    . I will take your suggestions and fix the issues.


  • Thank you very much for your suggestions

  • GregAnyon
    GregAnyon Posts: 2 researcher rank


    First post for me - have published two courses so far, but have struggled to attract students to them.

    How to get a job in Sales

    Sales Training: The Nuclear Core of Selling

    I've put on emphasis on production quality to help differentiate it from other courses of a similar ilk. Does the course descriptions work in your opinion? Am I not positioning it right for potential students? Anything really!

  • ScottDuffy
    ScottDuffy Posts: 906 rolemodel rank

    Hey there,

    I love your course images. Are those custom? Really outstanding compared to what we typically see on Udemy. :smileyhappy:

    Looking at the "How to get a job in Sales" course, you could really improve the course landing page. You have one "what you'll learn", one "requirement", and your description is 82 words long.

    I think you could go back to that and invest another 20-30 minutes really improving that. The #1 course for "sales" has 7 "what you'll learn", 2 "requirements", and a 301 words description.

    Your promo video is cool. Good quality video filmed outside, and good quality audio. Looks professional.

    Your main problem is getting attention to this course. 6 students and 1 review isn't going to cut it. You need hundreds of people to have a look at this, and then you'll get some sales, some reviews, and a higher ranking in the Udemy search engine.

    So this is a classic "drive traffic" problem. Can you promote this course more in your social media channels, or link up with someone who can get this in front of more people?

  • Nizamuddin
    Nizamuddin Posts: 32 traveler rank

    Hello Everyone,

    I need feedback on my first course: Complete Guide to Careers in Data Science

    Can I message to instructors directly for that? or Posting in the community is sufficient?

  • GregAnyon
    GregAnyon Posts: 2 researcher rank

    Hi Scott,

    Thanks for the thoughtful feedback - have been very much in 'build mode' for next courses, so have just switched focus to what I've already created. I'll action all of those suggestions and pay extra attention to the traffic driving conundrum.

    The images aren't custom, I saw them on a stock imagery site and was smitten with them, so picked up a set of them on the spot.

  • SalehRam
    SalehRam Posts: 2 researcher rank


    I'm still on my first course which now I'm working on updating the content. Since that will involve re-recording of most of the lectures I'd love to get your feedback on the course in general so I can take this time to improve as well!

    The course name is: "The Complete Course to Manage G Suite"

    Really apprecaite this!


  • I'm also taking images from Google and Prajna and Bhakthi Nivedana magazine and making videos

  • AlAnders
    AlAnders Posts: 1 observer rank

    Hi Scott, thank you for the offer. I just published my first course and can really use some feedback on how to be successful on Udemy. The course title is "Cyber Security Concepts 2019" and the instructor name is "Al Anders, CISSP".

    thank you,

    Al Anders