Shout Out To A New Instructor Who Is Ticking Boxes!

I like to keep tabs on what is happening in Religion and Spirituality - it is where most of my courses happily live. Last November @JulianJenki396
published ready for Black Friday. Since then he has been super busy launching an impressive seven courses! Not only that - his latest is featured in the New & Noteworthy (it replaced my Master Shamanic Drumming course - so naturally I noticed it!!!!) and he is featured as one of the top instructors in our genre on the landing page.
Often new instructors worry and wonder about getting traction here as they start their Udemy journey - well @JulianJenki396
has certainly made a splash.
Plus get this for an amazing stat - nearly one-third of his students have left him a review... I must chat to him soon to see what is in his magical blend! Way to go Julian!
Thank you so much for your kind words. It is truly a blessing to be able to share my spiritual pathway and journey with others. It is even more humbling to share it with such beautiful kindred souls like yourself.It means so much to me that one of the special lights on Udemy has taken the time to highlight my work, again thank you.x
Be Love and Give Love
Julian x
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Hi @JulianJenki396
it is simply wonderful to see like minded souls forging their unique pathway here on Udemy.1 -
Thank you so much for sharing this @SharonRamel
. Your positivity always brings a smile to my face.And of course, a huge congratulations to @JulianJenki396
for launching 7 courses, getting so many reviews and doing so so well!Do you have any tips or learnings you'd like to share with other new instructors?
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HI @JocelynH
,Thank you for your kind words. My advice would be two-fold. Firstly choose a subject that you have extensive knowledge of as the course has to provide value, but for me, more importantly, it has to be authentic and intimate to provide a level of experience that captivates the viewer.
Secondly, keep working hard at it. People talk about passive incomes, this is a vocation for me and every day I spend a couple of hours answering every message, thanking people for their reviews and trying to promote my course to likeminded souls. Its a mission for me to try and improve the quality of mediumship, but also to try and get people to live their lives more spiritually.
I feel truly blessed to be amongst so many amazing lights and I firmly believe that the soft skills and in particular the Religion and Spirituality section will continue to grow with quality and beliefs underpinning everything we do.
Thanks again for everything x6 -
Not everyone would give this kind of shout out to a competitor, Sharon.
I know you don't see him as a competitor, of course, and that is awesome.
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When we share we grow @CarlosDeLeon
, I see @JulianJenki396
has an amazing future here on Udemy as his love and integrity shines through what he is doing.6 -
You are 100% right we share we grow, thank you again for the kind words x
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This is great. I joined about the same time, so it's cool seing new insructors get a solid start. Good job, @JulianJenki396
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Ed, Maybe we could grab a five minute chat to discuss how we have both been getting on share some pitfalls and success. Regards Julian1
Sure thing, I'll shoot ya a message.
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This is such a refreshing post and to think that it's directed at a "competitor" makes it even more amazing! Instead of being jealous of the ones who are killing it, it's definitley better to be inspired and motivated by them.
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I dont beleive we are competitors, I beleive we are all here to help each other, people will always gravitate to those they feel connected to and everyone is different.
The world is a big place and there is plenty of willing and able students to go around. @SharonRamel
is an amazing example of a wordl class teacher here on Udemy not just becuase her courses are amazing, but her love and light is even brighter.Lets all work together to help each other grow #StrongerTogether x