Still No Students

Hie there

I recently joined Udemy and created a course, but I still have no students. I have even offered the first 5 students a free class but nothing has come up yet. Please, how do I get students to enroll in my classes?



  • CarlosDeLeon
    CarlosDeLeon Posts: 901 visionary rank

    I completely agree with Jason.

    It is even probably a good thing that no student has enrolled yet, because the description of the course is totally misleading, and if someone enrolls without paying enough attention to the actual content before buying, they will most likely leave a bad review and ask for a refund when they realize the claim was false, and that would leave you in an even worse position.

    I'm sorry to tell you this, but for a course to succeed it usually requires a lot more work.

    Don't get discouraged by these comments. Just get back to work and remember to look at your course from the perspective of your potential students, as Jason suggested.

    Good luck!

    P.s. I would respectfully suggest that you re-think your instructor bio as well, as it looks like you wrote it with a potential employer in mind, and not a potential student.

  • thanks for a so detailed answer! it helped me too!!!

  • Hi @RueMckurry
    - On top of what everyone else has written, which is quite good, you need to consider how many other courses are teaching the same subject. I went to Udemy and typed in "Learning English". I got 10,000 results back. How are you going to differentiate your course from the 10K already available? You picked a VERY crowded area in which to create a course. It could take many months, or longer, for your course to get noticed. And, even then, it's got to be better than most of the courses available to achieve any sizeable number of sales.

  • I launched my first free course yesterday but I'm not getting any enrollments can someone help me please..