Community Guidelines

In a community of thousands of instructors that span various countries, cultures, and languages, it’s important for everyone to follow a basic set of guidelines. Every community member, whether that’s a new instructor or Udemy moderator, will be held to these ground rules, along with Udemy's Instructor Terms and Conditions and our Pricing and Promotions policies.

Here’s what belongs in the community:

  • Ask questions when you can’t find existing resources about an issue.
  • Offer help and friendly advice when and where you can.
  • Give generous and constructive feedback to your peers (and keep it respectful).
  • Assume positive intent from other instructors and Udemy.
  • Be respectful of each other.
  • Have a sense of humor! Good communities are fun communities.

What does NOT belong in the community:

  • Do not promote personal Udemy courses or other materials, such as blogs, products, and other forums.
  • Do not share, link to, or ask for personal information about students or instructors.
  • Do not derail a conversation or change the subject. If you’d like to discuss a different topic, start a new post.
  • Do not use offensive language such as slurs and curse words.
  • Do not comment on people’s appearances and clothes.
  • Do not make personal attacks on other instructors or Udemy staff, including attacks on someone's perceived race, gender, ethnicity, disability, religion, or other personal identity.

Note that the Community is a forum for instructors, and aside from enforcing these guidelines, we don't exercise editorial control over the conversations that take place here. We can't guarantee the accuracy or validity of what instructors choose to share with one another.

For more information about our community, read our purpose and values and learn about our best practices.
