Hi all.......newbe here. How do I inset a PDF into my slide show?


  • CarlosDeLeon
    CarlosDeLeon Posts: 901 visionary rank

    Hi George,

    What do you mean by "inset" a PDF "into" your slide show?

    You can add a PDF as a donwloadable resource to your video lesson. Is that what you mean?

  • I completed my course l cant get my certificate

  • LawrenceMMiller
    LawrenceMMiller Posts: 2,346 rolemodel rank

    What certificate? This is a forum for instructors, not for students. What course did you complete?

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,642 Udemy rank

    Hi @OmimaFaraj633
    as @LawrenceMMiller
    mentioned this is a community for instructors. If you are unable to get your certificate, you can check out this article for basic troubleshooting. If this doesn't work, please reach out to the Student support team here.

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community