Suggestions about the verification process

Hi everyone, it's Fatih from Turkey. I'm a civil engineer and prepared a course about how to calculate snow loads. Everything was ready on Friday but I couldn't send my course for review because of the manual verification process.
I've sent a video on 17th of May but support team said that it's not received, so I sent another one on Monday. This time I've reached the support team and checked if it's received and it was. It's past over 48 hours and still nothing.
I think this manual verification process must be better.
- The person who sent the mail wouldn't know if there was a problem on the other side or not, the mail is in my sent box afterall.
- There should be an automated mail that says my mail has been received and it's in line or not.
- Everybody I've reached says that verification team is going to reply in 24 hours. When there is a delay, they should let me know what's wrong and when would it be solved. Nobody likes to be in total darkness like this.
- The better solution is to do this process like the test video: from the site.
- This step must be in the beginning. It'd be a statement like "I won't use any copyrighted material in all of my courses".
We, the first timers are all very excited to get the reaction from people to our course as soon as possible. I read a lot about how to prepare my first course but never saw that "verification process" in earlier stages.
I had joined the "Newcomer Challange" and finished my course two days before the countdown, tried to sent it for inspection then I got this "verification surprise". I know this is a one time step but it totally killed my enthusiasm.
Thanks for reading, I hope improvements will be made.
Hi @FatihSöylemez
,We totally understand how eager instructors get to have their courses published as soon as possible, and I’m sorry to hear you felt the process a little bumpy. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback. We’ve passed it along to the appropriate team.