Meet our Community Champions!

You might have noticed that some members of the community have a purple star and the words “Community Champion” next to their name. These instructors are our Community Champions; they’re dedicated to helping other instructors become better online course creators. Community Champions leverage their experiences and expertise to answer your questions, motivate you, and support you on your Udemy journey.
Get to know them and what they’re great at!
Alejandra Acuña @Alejandra_Acuña
Alejandra Acuña discovered her passion for art while studying science at university, then as a mother she discovered her passion for teaching. Now she is dedicated to being an online and face-to-face instructor. What she appreciates form Udemy is the opportunity to reach other places in the world and for the collaborative work that takes place in it.
Alejandra Acuña descubre su pasión por el arte mientras estudiaba ciencias en la universidad, luego como madre descubre su pasión por enseñar, ahora se dedica a ser instructora online y presencial. Aprecia Udemy por la oportunidad de llegar a otros lugares del mundo y por el trabajo colaborativo que en ella se realiza.
Alicia Paz @AliciaPaz
Alicia Paz started her career teaching online in mid-2013 after realizing the best work experience she had was teaching Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) in person. Six years later she continues to engage in teaching DBT teaching on Udemy, answering students questions and creating (and often re-creating) many courses as new experiences and education is gained. Alicia's passion to help people with mental illness remains strong as she enters her 6th year teaching online.
Alvaro Chirou @AlvaroChirou
Alvaro lives in Argentina, Neuquén Capital with his 5-year-old daughter and his wife. He has been working in the field of technology for more than 13 years. Currently, he specializes in Computer Security, Forensics, and Digital Research. The last talk he gave was at an international computer security event, OWASP 2019.
Se llama Alvaro Chirou, vive en Argentina, Neuquén Capital. Vive con su hija de 5 años y su Esposa. Hace más de 13 años que se dedica al rubro de la tecnología. Actualmente se especializo en Seguridad informática, Forense e investigación digital. La última charla que brindo en un evento internacional de seguridad informática fue en OWASP 2019.
Atil Samancioglu @AtilSamancioglu
Atil teaches programming and cyber security courses on Udemy for more than 150K students. He loves to create new content and continuously learn about the latest technologies. You can consult him for student engagement techniques for your courses.
Axel Paris @AxelParis
Online course creator since 2017 teaching Web Design and Web Development. French student expert in course creation on Udemy.
Créateur de cours en ligne depuis septembre 2017 enseignant le Web Design et le développement web. Étudiant en informatique et expert en création de cours Udemy.
Axel Rittershaus @AxelRittershaus
Axel Rittershaus is a leadership and executive coach, facilitating international leadership development seminars as well as 1-1 executive coaching. In his coaching business as well as in his Udemy courses he focuses on teaching immediately applicable tools and methods – instead of hard to implement theories. Prior to his coaching business he started his own IT consultancy, which he sold in 2002, and worked as a leader in the IT industry for more than 15 years.
In his private life he enjoys running ultra-marathon races of up to 100 km while raising funds for charity organizations like “The Cows” for children with cancer.
Axel Rittershaus bietet Trainings für Führungskräfte an und arbeitet als Executive Coach. Die Tätigkeit umfasst sowohl internationale Leadership Seminare als auch 1-1 Führungskräfte-Coachings. Ob in seiner Coaching- oder in seiner Tätigkeit als Udemy-Trainer – er konzentriert sich auf sofort umsetzbare Werkzeuge und Methoden, anstatt auf praxisferne Theorien. Vor dem Start seiner Coaching-Tätigkeit gründete er eine IT-Firma, die er 2002 veräußerte, und arbeite insgesamt für 15 Jahre als Unternehmer und Führungskraft in der IT-Branche. In seinem Privatleben findet er Freude an Ultra-Marathon-Rennen mit bis zu 100 km Länge, bei denen er zusätzlich Spenden für Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen wie „The Cows“ für krebskranke Kinder sammelt.
Christin Stapff @ChristinSta184
Christin is a german illustrator and a published author in the field of design, lettering and watercolor. In the past years she worked on her social media following and already built her own creative community online, where she most sells her Udemy courses.
Christin ist Illustratorin und Kreativ-Buchautorin mit den Schwerpunkten Design, Lettering und Aquarell. Via Social Media hat sie bereits ihre eigene Community aufgebaut, in der sich ihre Udemy Kurse großer Beliebtheit erfreuen.
Dan Jones @Hypnodan
Dan Jones shares 20+ years of professional experience in psychological therapies and his experiences as an autistic individual teaching courses on hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, parenting and autism. Dan is a full-time Udemy instructor who has been sharing his knowledge on the platform since 2014. He is skilled at developing course ideas and at course creation and streamlining workflow.
Denise Fletcher @DeniseFletcher
Denise is a coach and spends much of my time helping people to be more confident, overcome self doubt and improve themselves. She has a business called Enabling Transitions. Denise believes that we are all a "work in progress" and "giving something a go is better than trying for perfection". She brings these thoughts to the Udemy Community to help instructors thrive and get their courses live.
Fernando Herrera @Fernando_Her85
Fernando Herrera is a computer developer engineer that loves to create applications but also loves to teach how to create those apps. After many years of successful work as an online instructor on Udemy, he wants to help you to succeed as instructor too.
Fernando Herrera es un ingeniero informático que le encanta crear aplicaciones, pero también le encanta enseñar cómo crearlas... después de muchos años de trabajo exitoso como instructor en línea en Udemy, él también quiere ayudarte tener éxito también.
Frank Kane @FrankKane
Frank has been creating courses on big data and machine learning for four years on Udemy, and has amassed over 240,000 students and $1.3 million in revenue over that time. He's here to share what he's learned about what works, and what doesn't, to achieve a wide impact and maintain it over time. He also enjoys teaching others to become self-employed in a sustainable way. Previously Frank worked for almost a decade as a senior manager at
Graham Nicholls @GrahamNicholls
Over the last 15+ years Graham has developed himself in to an expert in Human Emotional and Behavioural Psychotherapy while becoming a leader in the areas of Strategic Life Coaching, NLP, EFT/TFT, Mindfulness, CBT and Multi-Discipline Psychotherapy. Through his teaching, Graham helps people to fulfil their dreams of joining the incredible helping industry as Helping/Psychotherapy Practitioners while also assisting clients from around the world to achieve their life's goals, dreams and ambitions.
Greg Reverdiau @GregReverdiau
Greg is a FAA Certified Flight Instructor, Commercial Pilot, and Remote Pilot. In the last 15 years, he has worked for two of the biggest aeronautical universities in the country (managing flight training programs of up to 500 students and 50 aircraft) and in teaching roles as an adjunct professor. He currently teach aviation-related courses in northern Arizona. When he doesn't teach, Greg is an avid long-distance runner in the beautiful mountains surrounding Prescott, AZ. His favorite topic on the Udemy community is course creation, specifically video and audio quality improvements.
Jairo Galeas @JairoGaleas
Jairo is a University Teacher with more than 5 years of experience teaching in classrooms and now also teaches online with 8 courses and more to come. He is passionate about reading and personal development. He is always a retailer when it comes to teaching a new topic and structuring the whole subject so that it takes a logical and didactic sequence.
Jairo es un Docente Universitario con más de 5 años brindando educación en salones de clase y ahora instructor online con 8 cursos creados y muchos más por crear. Es un apasionado de la lectura y el desarrollo personal, una cita que le ha marcado es, hoy somos el resultado de las decisiones que tomamos ayer, mañana seremos el resultado de las decisiones que tomemos hoy. Siempre detallista a la hora de enseñar un nuevo tema y estructurar toda la temática para que lleve una secuencia lógica y didáctica.
Jason Dion @JasonDion
Jason Dion provides training on multiple information technology professional certifications, including the CompTIA PenTest+, CySA+, Security+, Network+, A+, PRINCE2, PRINCE Agile, and ITIL 4. He is a best selling instructor on Udemy who has developed some interesting methods of student engagement that keeps his students coming back for more courses from him all the time. Jason also specializes in using a mixture of production techniques to showcase both hands-on demonstrations during his courses and talking head/greenscreen production styles. Jason has served over 100,000 students around the world in his courses both on Udemy and on his own platform.
Lawrence Miller @LawrenceMMiller
Larry Miller is the author of eleven books on management and leadership and has been consulting with major corporations for more than forty years. His work has focused on creating high performing cultures and high performing teams. Larry Miller is now teaching more than thirty-eight thousand students in more than 170 countries on Udemy. Several of his courses on management and leadership are best-selling courses in their category and have been adopted by major corporations as part of their leadership development and culture change process.
Lindsay Marsh @LindsayMarsh
Lindsay Marsh has had over 14+ years of freelance graphic design experience. She wanted to share that knowledge with the world and started to create online courses in 2016. Now with over 14 classes on Udemy and counting she continues to create engaging online video driven curriculum to those interested in all things design including Graphic Design, UX/UI design, Logo Design, Branding, and more.
Maged Koshty @Maged-Koshty
Maged is currently a full-time Udemy instructor, providing over 20 courses in software engineering and project management in both English and the Arabic language. He has over 30 years of experience in his field teaching, and loves to create his courses himself: writing scripts, recording and editing audio, and creating videos. He this he is successful on Udemy because he always puts a lot of effort into understanding what the students really want and is available to answer their questions 24/7. He will surely love to answer your questions in either English or Arabic.
ماجد متفرغ للعمل حاليًا كمدرب بيوديمي ، له أكثر من 20 دورة في هندسة البرمجيات وإدارة المشاريع باللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية
يتمتع ماجد بأكثر من 30 عامًا من الخبرة في التدريس الميداني في الجامعات الكبرى والمؤتمرات وشركته التدريبية اكسبرت ويف
وهو يفضل إنشاء دوراته بنفسه من الالف الي الياء: كتابة النصوص وتسجيل الصوت وتنقيته وإنشاء مقاطع الفيديو.
ويعتبر أن نجاحه في يوديمي يرجع أساسًا إلى أنه يبذل الكثير من الجهد لفهم ما يريده الطلاب حقًا. وأيضًا لأنه متاح للإجابة على أسئلتهم على مدار الساعة
وبالتأكيد يحب الإجابة علي أسئلتكم باللغة الإنجليزية أو العربية
Massimiliano Alferi @MassimilianoAlf
Massimiliano has been developing software, websites and apps for smartphones for about 20 years. He is an expert in IT technology and has been teaching programming and web developing since many many years. He is also a professional musician and has played all around the world with musicians like Vinnie Colaiuta and Dean Parks. He loves to play many instruments like guitar, bass, ukulele, piano, drums and voice. In less than 2 years, he has become one of the top Italian instructors on Udemy with more than 20 courses — some of them best sellers.
René Buhling @rene-buhling
René is an independent software developer for Game Development and Multimedia with a focus on the combination of graphic design and computer science. He teaches 3D design and game development with C #, Unity, Blender and other software tools. Didactic course structuring, video production and external marketing are focal points of his work.
René ist selbstständiger Softwareentwickler für Game Development und Multimedia mit Fokus auf dem Verbinden von Gestaltung und Informatik. Er bringt umfangreiche Erfahrungen aus Industrie und Wissenschaft mit, die er in seine Kurse zu 3D-Gestaltung und Spieleentwicklung mit C#, Unity, Blender und anderen Softwaretools einbringt. Didaktische Wissensaufbereitung, Videoproduktion und externes Marketing sind Interessenschwerpunkte seiner Arbeit.
Robin Slee @Robin_Slee
Robin is an online instructor with several courses under his belt, with topics ranging from art and illustration to software requirements gather and OOP! He also has several more courses in the works. His favourite quote is “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime!”
Scott Duffy @ScottDuffy
Scott Duffy spent more than 20 years working as a consultant for small and medium sized businesses, and in the public sector, before creating his first Udemy course in 2014. Since then, he's created and published more than 30 courses, with more than 150,000 students signed up for his courses. He left his consulting career to teach online full-time in 2018 and enjoys walking his dog when the weather is right.
Sharon Ramel @SharonRamel
Sharon has been offering spirit based courses online since April 2014. She pioneered shamanism being taught class style online in video format here on Udemy and globally. Her strong points include bringing her tribe (students) together in love providing them with a unique experience to empower them. Course creation is a rich experience for her as she is always seeking unique ways to engage with her tribe.
Shigeru Masukawa @Shigeru_M
Shigeru Masukawa makes courses with one theme, "Smart Cut". Currently his courses range from Udemy course creation to business skill hack.
Tamera Dion @TameraDion
Thibault Houdon @ThibH
Thibault Houdon is a freelance Python developper working for the Visual Effects industry. He is specializing in course content creation and has been making online courses for over 8 years. Living as a digital nomad for almost a year now, he always strives to improve his recording and content creation process.
Thibault Houdon est développeur Python freelance et travaille dans l'industrie des Effets Visuels. Il se spécialise en création de contenu et réalise des formations en ligne depuis maintenant plus de 8 ans. Digital Nomad depuis maintenant presque un an, il cherche constamment à améliorer son processus d'enregistrement et de création de cours.
ThorPedersen @Thor
Thor teaches IT, Cyber Security, and Project Management on online and in person through his training company, Thor Teaches. His strong suits other than the training are organically building audiences and engagement automation.
Thor underviser i IT, IT sikkerhed og project ledelse, både online og i klasseværelset igennem hans undervisnings firma, Thor Teaches. Ud over undervisning er hans stærkeste sider at organisk skabe et publikum og automatisering af student engagement.
Vigasan Gunasegeran @Vigasan
Vigasan is a website designer/developer from Canada who enjoys helping people learn to create their own websites. He finds satisfaction in being able to help people who otherwise would not even dream about creating their own website. By using some of the latest website design methods, a lot of the websites his students make don't even require the ability to know HTML, CSS, or JavaScript!
If you have any questions, feel free to tag one of our Champions directly and they’ll do their best to help you out!
Excited to continue to be part of a wonderful and diverse group of superstars!
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I am so happy to be a part of this community.
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Lots of great people in there!
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You guys rock!
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¡Cuanto me alegra formar parte de esta comunidad! ¡I'm so happy of being part of the community!
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Thank You @JocelynH
It's great to be part of such an experienced team of people who want to help others!
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Awesome! :smileyvery-happy:
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It's great to know about each great personality who got efficiency in his or her own field of knowledge. I'm lucky enough to be the member and can know many aspects essential to every teacher since teaching is the noblest profession of all.
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Thank you so much. I need each of your help to improve myself.
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I am more than honored to be part of this community. Meeting and learning from wonderful and experience tutors. JocelynH, this list is very inspiring. Thanks for sharing!
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If my courses in Arabic and the translation will be done in English, is the course description in English better or the best is in two language ?
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I had been trying to create my Udemy Course, after the pandemic receded. However, I started looking at the Community only a couple of days ago. Now, I am sure with such experienced and knowledgeable people ever-willing to share their learnings, I will resume my course creation work again, and finish it too in a few months. I am already feeling so positive and motivated even without any interaction