What camera do you use?

Just curious to see what everyone else is using!

I’ll start- I use the a Canon C100 Mark II.

I started out using a Canon 70D.

Your turn! GO!


  • I was using a Nikon D800 or D810, but I have converted to Fujifilm (having nothing to do with video recording) and now use my XH-1. In truth, any modern DSLR or Mirrorless will record excellent video. I think the choice really depends on what else you use the camera for.

  • I started using my Nokia Lumia 920, and recorded a course and a half with that phone.

    Now I use a Nikon D3400, and have re-recorded most of the videos with it.

    As Lawrence mentioned, I got the camera for my photographing activities, and as a bonus I get to record better videos for my courses.

  • I use an iPhone XS! Records very well, on 4K. Color accuracy is quite good with some external lighting, so no issues with greenscreening.

  • We just moved to a Canon XA11 and LOVE it. We are now able to hook Jason's lapel mic (I believe he is using a Sennheiser MKE2-P-C Lav mic.) directly to the camera and no longer need to sync audio and video. Once we are done with the current course we are recording we will be working on better green screen lighting to get a cleaner key in post!

  • Denis
    Denis Posts: 2 researcher rank

    I use the Canon 5D Mark IV, my question is what mic. is best for recording on location outdoors from a distance from camera. I use a Blue Yeti for screen recordings.

  • Sony 4K Handycam, though I've been using it mostly for stills admittedly!

  • Panasonic GH5 (with Sennheiser MKE600 connected to a H4N) for me but mostly because I use it for my filming business as well. Love that camera!

  • 😍😘

    GoPro hero 3+

  • I used to use the Logitech c690 webcam but a coiple of years ago I used some of my Udemy income to purchase a Nikon D5600. I really like the screen that can be rotated out so that I see myself as I film. It's a brilliant camera and I have never looked back.

    Unfortuantely, I am now addicted to buying more and more kit for it.

  • Juriy
    Juriy Posts: 48 storyteller rank

    same here! I'm also a huge fan of C100 MK-II, I love that camera.
    I also use Canon 6D and Canon Legria HF G25 ( a very descent camcoder )

  • Canon EOS 800 D for now :)

  • C100 MK1 ;-)

    Canon 5d3

    Couple of Panasonic bridge cameras for 4k work.

  • This is a great wireless mic for use with a dslr with mic input:


  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,334 rolemodel rank

    Logitech C930, GoPro 4 ehhh 5 something, Phone camera 20ish MP.

  • Hey @Thor
    , what do you like about Logitech C930?

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,334 rolemodel rank

    At the time it was easy, clean enough image.
    I have since moved on to a Canon AX11 camera.

  • LiamDavin1
    LiamDavin1 Posts: 117 storyteller rank

    My wife films my headshots for me and uses a Canon 70d. We've just bought a couple of lights and hoping to try them out tomorrow. Curious to see how big a difference they make.

  • Which lights did you purchase?

  • LiamDavin1
    LiamDavin1 Posts: 117 storyteller rank

    "Which lights did you purchase?"

    Hi. The lights we bought are, Yonguo YN 300 Air. We know very little about lights so please don't take this as a recommendation.

    We tried them out yesterday and they are an improvement on what we had before. I wouldn't say that the difference is night and day, but we're happy with the result.