The weirdest error message...

Good day everybody,

Hope I'm not commiiting some horrible fau pas by postin this here, been getting a weird error message when trying to upload videos to my course :

Your video upload failed for 1 reason:
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.

I've logged a support ticket with Udemy, but was wondering if anyboady else got this error, and how on earth to fix it ?



  • CarlosDeLeon
    CarlosDeLeon Posts: 900 visionary rank

    I reported it more than 2 months ago, and they still don't have a solution. The error message was slightly different, but it was definitely about the same thing (the signature).

    The solution is to use the bulk uploader instead.

    Unfortunately that is not possible if the video you are trying to upload is the promo, but for all of the other videos, the bulk uploader will help.

  • Thank you good sir ! Using the bulk uploader worked perfectly. I would still like to know what is causing this, hopefully the boys and girls from tech support will be able to help....

  • CarlosDeLeon
    CarlosDeLeon Posts: 900 visionary rank

    Great to know it worked!

    Yes, I hope so. I'm also waiting for a solution, because I can't update my promo video...