Questions about Feedback/Reviews

Hi everyone, I'm new to Udemy. I published my 1st course about 4 weeks ago and I'm about to publish my 2nd. Anyhow, I had many friends take my course via the free coupon. I know they left positive feedback/reviews, however, at this time I only have feed back showing up from 2 people. Does anyone know why that might be? I know feedback is so important, just not sure why it's not showing up?


  • Abbie
    Abbie Posts: 3,191 traveler rank

    Hey @CarrieFernandez
    ! My guess is that something about the review was flagged by our spam filter. Udemy uses an algorithm to scan reviews and look for behaviors that might indicate that the review is fake/spam. If you believe that the review was wrongly flagged, please email

  • I just sent an email. Thank you!

  • I emailed a week ago, and have not received a response from Udemy, and my feed back on my course is still the same. I'm going to send another email right now...

  • Hi Abbie. I emailed 2 times since 6/10 about this and haven't received anything back yet. Can you help me figure out how to reach someone? Thank you!

  • Abbie
    Abbie Posts: 3,191 traveler rank

    Hey @CarrieFernandez
    , sorry about that! Please check your email for follow up.

  • Yes, I just got it. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR HELP!

  • Hey I'm currently facing the same issue and sent an email and no response.

    It seems as if the algorithm sometimes detects false positives. I never knew this until one of my students contacted me to tell me he liked my course and that he had left a review. It's been 1 week and the review has not appeared.

    Was your issue resolved when you sent the email to the address specified by @Abbie

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,642 Udemy rank

    Hi @claOfficial
    We ask instructors to expect a response time of approximately 2 business days from the time you reached the team, as this may vary depending on the volume of tickets received. You can feel free to bump the ticket by reaching out to but I'm sure the team will get back to you as soon as your email is next.

  • After sending in my email, it did get fixed for the most part. Not everyone that I know of that had left feedback was showing up, but most of them (that I knew of) were. SO yes it helped, but it didn't fix it 100%...