Help me with slogan. Oh, and hello Udemy community.

Hello everyone.

First of all, I am so glad I found this community. I am very new to teaching online professionally. I have been throwing some material up on YouTube here and there with great success in the past and that is what drove me to Udemy ultimately.

That being said, I need some help. I know I should stick to one niche but... yeah, that's hard. Most of my material can be summed up into three main categories.

  1. Supply Chain Management
  2. Programming
  3. Teaching about the technology used to create online content

My question is, what kind of slogan should I use? I can't seem to fit those three into one simple elegant slogan.

Any suggestions?


  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,331 rolemodel rank

    I mean they are apples and oranges, none of the topics are really related.

    I think IF you want a slogan/catch phrase for them all it needs to be built around you, not the topics.

    Mark'ing it happen.

    Mark Madness

    The real Mark'oy

    Leave your Mark

  • This is pretty much in technical in engineering & tecnology. Maybe give some "industrial slogan" related will be useful.


    Hello everyone.

    First of all, I am so glad I found this community. I am very new to teaching online professionally. I have been throwing some material up on YouTube here and there with great success in the past and that is what drove me to Udemy ultimately.

    That being said, I need some help. I know I should stick to one niche but... yeah, that's hard. Most of my material can be summed up into three main categories.

    1. Supply Chain Management
    2. Programming
    3. Teaching about the technology used to create online content

    My question is, what kind of slogan should I use? I can't seem to fit those three into one simple elegant slogan.

    Any suggestions?

  • Curry
    Curry Posts: 1 observer rank

    Greetings sir! Honestly, in your case, since nothing is closely related, I’d suggest selling yourself first, with emphasis on one of your talents, and then branching each talent off from there.

    Take me for instance. I’m a fiction Author. Main talent. I’m currently concentrating on writing and illustrating children’s books. Those are what I push hardest on my site.

    BUT, as I continue building readers/followers/customers, I’ll begin marketing smaller niche that cater to more specific interest. This is where Udemy comes in for me. I love creating content for children, but now I can begin teaching it.

    Then I’ll teach How to Podcast and Blog and YoYo and yada yada as I gain mote talents from honing in on my interests more.

    So, slogan you and something reasonably broad, then drill in deeper from there once you have people roped in.

    Btw, welcome!


  • Hi @mtgingrass
    it's a mahoosive question. I was thinking rather than try to connect the topics it might be better to create a brand for you. So for example my business is called "Enabling Transitions" which covers anything I might get involved with as in I enable transitions in people, teams and businesses. My under slogan if you want to call it that is "Get more from you and your people". Although I don't really use this. So rather than think just about online course topics think wider.