Blurriness and Streaming Issues


I am a new instructor and my course has been live on the platform for almost 6 weeks. I have close to 160 students and some of the students are complaining about video blurriness and streaming issues. Most of these students have very high speed internet connection (>50MBPS) so slow interent connection can not be the issue here. I used Udemy's recommended video settings and recorded HD (1080P) videos. Most of my videos are screencast of programming lectures so claity of the video quality is a must.

I have been advising students experiencing this issue to download the lectures for offline viewing (which resolves the blurriness issue). But is there somethig that can be done to resolve this issue.

Thanks and Regards,



  • Abbie
    Abbie Posts: 3,191 traveler rank

    Hey @rasu84
    , let me give some background info about this.

    Udemy employs an “Adaptive Streaming” player for course videos. This option is not yet available for all Udemy courses, but we’re always happy to enable it by instructor request. When enabled, it means that students can choose an “Auto” streaming option for the course video. With this Auto option, 1080p streaming is possible, if the student has the streaming capability and necessary screen size to take advantage of 1080p.

    To get adaptive streaming enabled for your course, please reach out to and our team will be happy to set it up for you.

    Hope this helps!

  • rasu84
    rasu84 Posts: 93 specialist rank

    Thanks @Abbie

    I have reached out to the instructor support team with request to enable adaptive streaming for my course. Appreciate your help.

    Thanks and Regards,


  • MichaelPog
    MichaelPog Posts: 983 rolemodel rank

    Hi @Abbie

    I've been in the platform for about 8 months. And I get those complains from students too. One even resulted in a 1 star review, that thankfully was removed. One student Fromeven left the course and took a refund. From my experience, the adaptive stream IS the cause of the bluriness. I've seen it myself when previewing my own videos on Udemy. What solved the problem is actually switching away from Auto to 720p or any specific resolution.

    This issue has been brought up so many times already in the old community on Facebook ( That's how I got aware of the solution).

  • Thanks for the hint Abbie,

    I also wrote the support asking them for enabling that feature. Let's see how it goes....

  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,806 rolemodel rank

    For me, complaints about video quality stopped after I asked support to *disable* adaptive streaming on my courses.

    It's a tough decision to make, as you're degrading the experience for most of your students in order to improve it for a few. But I don't think it's acceptable for students to find a course they purchased unwatchable.