Is this way of creating a course good?

Hi there,

I am creating my first course in Udemy. It is an I&T course where I am teaching how to use a business intelligence tool. I have spent more that one and half month creating pdf files as "training material" with explanations, screenshots, tips, notes, useful links, workaround to many actions, etc. and now I am ready to start recording videos based on that training files.

My idea is to upload a video and provide the training material as resource file where the students can have access to them as a manual but now I am wondering myself if this is good... why? The huge amount of time spent... I have been working 3 or 4 hours per day, all weekends to create something! and now I have to create videos, edit them, add captions... I do not know. I think it is too much.

Of couse, I am very exciting with this opportunity and I do not want to give up but... for future courses, what do you think?



  • @Javier
    , Creating a good course takes a lot of time. Some successful instructors here will tell you it takes several months. I spent 6 months on my first course, which ended up being 11 hours long. So keep up the good work, you're on the right track!

  • Javier
    Javier Posts: 7 researcher rank

    Thanks @GregReverdiau
    , if great instructors like you took that time to create a course, I am in the right way.

    Thanks for your answer.
