First time course

Hi guys,

I'm Vesko Draganov and I just found out about this app and looks very helpful for all of you. I never did online course before, I have more experience in personal course and I wondering if some of you can give me advice for the videos! Thanks 😊


  • SharonRamel
    SharonRamel Posts: 1,312 rolemodel rank

    , welcome to Udemy, enjoy the process. Have you already done Udemy’s excellent free course creation course(s). If not this is the best place place to begin. Take you time, take notes whilst you are learning and really get to know the platform. Make it bring you all you are seeking.

  • Hello and welcome, @Veskokoz13

    has given excellent advice: Udemy's free courses for instructors are full of great information, and they also give you a taste of what a good course should look and feel like. Here's the link to their first course, which will lead you to the others:

    Another way to gather ideas is to browse Udemy for courses that interest you, and just look through the course descriptions and free lectures. And of course, if you find a fantastic course, why not buy it and support the creator ;)?

    Taking a Udemy course yourself will help you understand how students experience online courses like these. Some courses are amazing, others are good, and some are just so-so: you can learn what to do and what NOT to do in your own courses.

    Have a great time exploring!