Need Help. How do i dampen the sound from my window and door, so i can create my own HOME STUDIO?

In my home i have a room which is relatively silent. I can convert it into my home studio but have two problems.
1. The window. The sound of my noisy neighbors come from there whole day. What can i do on this window to reduce the noise? Instead of curtains if i put thick blanket will it help?
2. Door : On the right side i have this door. The noise passes through the wooden door. Also the noise passes through the gap between floor and door. What can be done here?
Because of these two i have to wait till the environment gets quiet or its night. This leaves me with only few hours to record. If these two problems are solved then i will be able to record round the clock.
Any advice on both of these problems?
The first advice I can give you, is the microphone you use, for your situation the microphones that come with the earphones can be very good since they capture your voice more than the sound of your surroundings.
I also suggest you edit the sound with Audacity, it is a free program where if you are looking for tutorials on youtube on how to get the ambient sound, you will see that it is very easy.
I hope these tips help you, any other questions ask