Hi and Hello, newly published creator...

Hi and Hello,

My name is Toan and I just got my first course approved. I have to admit that it was a challenge with loads of refilmings, but definitely worth it.

I am not sure about the rest of the community, but since publishing my first, I feel that alot of the anxiety has gone away, and I am now excited for more. Who knows if people will be attracted to my work, but there is only one way to find out right?

In any case, I just wanted to share this message, and for those who are members and not published yet, just got for it :)


  • AlvaroChirou
    AlvaroChirou Posts: 1,531 rolemodel rank

    Hi @toan-hoang

    There is no doubt that the feeling is unique.
    It happens to me every time I publish a new course, so I invite you to continue creating more courses! :)

  • That is awesome! I will soon upload my first course. A question, do you have any guidelines on the process you followed to have your course approved.

    That will be helpful as I am on the last lap before uploading my course.

  • Hi @Avril_Impacts

    I would make sure that I have sent a test video and followed the suggestions given.

    I initially set my course to private and sent out a few free coupons to people in my community to test and get feedback. After making a few corrections, I set it to Public which took around two days.

    Good luck :)

    Kind Regards,


  • Thanks. Hopefully I will be at that place mid September.

  • Congratulations!! i wish you good luck

    Actually i am preparing the last 5 sections of my course it is at 70% and it's still 30% to complete

    I am working on it and i will publish the course soon