Latest numbers from Udemy!

Hello everyone! I’m excited to share that we have more than 40 million students who have access to over 30 million minutes of content on Udemy. More than 50,000 instructors are teaching 130,000 courses in over 60 languages. There have been over 245 million course enrollments to date. Our students and instructors come from 190+ countries and 2/3 of our students are located outside of the U.S. We also have over 4,000 enterprise customers and 80% of Fortune 100 companies trust Udemy for employee upskilling.



  • Mufaddal
    Mufaddal Posts: 375 mentor rank

    Thanks @JocelynH
    for sharing

  • LawrenceMMiller
    LawrenceMMiller Posts: 2,251 rolemodel rank

    Fantastic. Thanks for sharing.

  • Thanks for Sharing!!!...

  • ScottDuffy
    ScottDuffy Posts: 852 rolemodel rank

    Congratulations Udemy! Keep going up, up, up!

  • Many thanks for sharing!! And Congratulations for this great accomplishment!!

  • @JocelynH

    This sounds great....but....

    Can you provide a further breakdown of the 2/3 that are from outisde the US? What percentage of that 2/3 is from countries where our courses are deeply discounted??

  • Mufaddal
    Mufaddal Posts: 375 mentor rank

    I dont know for sure but I think they would be

    India, Brazil and Turkey making up the chunk .

  • That's what I'm afraid of.

  • Mufaddal
    Mufaddal Posts: 375 mentor rank

    Why are you afraid of them ?

    They ask too many questions?

  • If most of that two-thirds comes from locations where my already-grossly-discounted courses need to be further-discounted in order to make sales (per the new pricing strategy), I worry about the impact that the new variable pricing is going to have on my bottom line.

  • The 80 percent of F100. Are those UFB customers or companies ' employees who purchased a course on Udemy ?

  • I suspect that number reflects employees that have purchased. It would be great (and impressive) if that 80% were all actually UFB customers, but I'd be surprised. Hopefully @JocelynH
    can surprise me...

  • That’s great news and awesome growth!

    Keep up the amazing work Team Udemy!!

  • LawrenceMMiller
    LawrenceMMiller Posts: 2,251 rolemodel rank

    I am very sure that the 80% of Fortune 100 companies are UFB clients. If an individual purchases a course independently, Udemy does not know who they work for.

  • They do if they register with a corporate email address...

  • LawrenceMMiller
    LawrenceMMiller Posts: 2,251 rolemodel rank

    Come on, Man! You think Udemy is going through emails to find corporate email addresses?

    Notice that this is one sentence: "We also have over 4,000 enterprise customers and 80% of Fortune 100 companies trust Udemy for employee upskilling."

  • Lawrence.... A simple export of their student database would require 10 minutes of labor to execute. It would take another hour to manually execute 100 searches for email addresses from a list of Fortune-100 companies.

    Really, man...It would take less than 2 hours overall. Seriously.

    And I'm not saying that's the case. I'm saying it's far, far, far easier to do than you seem to think it is. If you automate this stuff with a database query, it could literally take MINUTES.

    If they actually have 80% of all Fortune-100 organizations as clients, that would be AWESOME - but it's just as likely they have users enrolled from each of those organizations, rather than having them signed on as organziational clients.

    Hence, the reason for the question being asked.

  • LawrenceMMiller
    LawrenceMMiller Posts: 2,251 rolemodel rank

    I think the sentence is very clear the way it is written. It is 80% of "companies trust", not random individuals. Anyway... it isn't worth debating. It is what it is and its all good.

  • If it's not worth debating, why are you debating me? The sentence would be far more clear if it said "80% of Fortune 100 companies are UfB customers" - but it doesn't say that.

    What does "80% of Fortune 100 companies trust us" mean, exactly? Do they trust Udemy enough to allow Susie in IT to sign up for a single course? Does it mean that they signed on as a UfB customer?

    Interpretation... this is why the question was asked....

    I'm not a customer of Udemy. I'm supposed to be a "partner". Marketing speak such as "80% of Fortune 100 companies trust us" doesn't work for me. I want data and concrete phrasing.

  • LawrenceMMiller
    LawrenceMMiller Posts: 2,251 rolemodel rank

    You tell'em!

  • CarlosDeLeon
    CarlosDeLeon Posts: 892 visionary rank

    I would argue that is not really that clear, because it says " Udemy for employee upskilling" instead of saying directly that they are customers.

  • JohnBura
    JohnBura Posts: 411 mentor rank

    I expect most of these numbers will DOUBLE after the new price change in September.

  • @JohnBura
    That would be good, because that would probably put me in a spot where I'd be earning as much on Udemy as my full-time job.

  • JohnBura
    JohnBura Posts: 411 mentor rank

    After the price change, you might be able to quit your job and go full-time instructor. I am betting that the price change is going to be THAT GOOD!

  • That's the long-term plan. We'll see how it goes.

  • LawrenceMMiller
    LawrenceMMiller Posts: 2,251 rolemodel rank

    Why do you think that? Of course, that would be nice. But I suspect it is wishful thinking. A 10% increase wouldn't be bad.

  • JocelynH
    JocelynH Posts: 1,536 traveler rank

    Hey @StephaneMaarek
    , Udemy believes in offering companies and individuals diverse and flexible solutions to get the skills they need; these offerings include our enterprise and team solutions through Udemy for Business as well as bulk and individual purchases of marketplace courses.

    The 80% number includes organizations where Udemy for Business is the corporate learning solution for the entire company, companies who have purchased Udemy for Business for specific teams, and organizations where at least 100 employees are learning workplace skills on Udemy.

  • Skillay
    Skillay Posts: 4 researcher rank

    Congrats udemy - keep up the great work!

  • JocelynH
    JocelynH Posts: 1,536 traveler rank

    Hey @
    , I'm not able to share a breakdown of where our students are located. This shifts frequently. However, I can share that our students come from all over the world; our company is truly global, and we have students from Australia, Europe, Latin America, Japan, and so much more.

  • From Jocelyn below.

    The 80% number includes organizations where Udemy for Business is the corporate learning solution for the entire company, companies who have purchased Udemy for Business for specific teams, and organizations where at least 100 employees are learning workplace skills on Udemy.”

    So... what Lawrence said, as very often the case.