how and where do you upload your videos?

Hi everyone,
I'm starting out and have to submit for review ny first 30 minutes of teaching. Cana anyone help?
I have my 5 videos of 6 minutes ready but I have no idea where to upload them . And when I do upload them is keeps saying I haven't.
I have a "create your content" section with Film and Edit / Curriculum / Captions,. I click on curriculum and it takes me to section1. I'm guessing that my 5 videos have to fit in here.
As you'll see on the pictures, I've miraculously uploaded Part 1 but have no idea how to upload the other 4 videos.
Thanks alot !
Well I'll answer this myself since I have now been assisted in finding it. So for all you future new teachers out there, there is an invisible + sign that you have to hover over with the mouse. When it appears you can add other videos in it.