Don't Make Your First course Free. New Free Courses Are Not Getting Students



  • JocelynH
    JocelynH Posts: 1,536 traveler rank

    Please be respectful of one another. This is my final warning.

    If I see any more taunts or jabs from anyone in this thread, that person will receive a community violation. For reference, here are our community guidelines which all participants of the community must follow.

  • RajGupta
    RajGupta Posts: 322 specialist rank


    I am now in my second year in a very competitive field: finance. Here is my advice for you.

    Your Java course must be the best Java course on Udemy. Because you are a new instructor. If your course is not as good as the best courses on Udemy why will students buy your course?

    if you were a student would you buy the tenth rank course or the best course?

    My first course was 2.5 hours. It sold about $20/month atleast better than 0. Then I updated it and now it is 10 hourse. It is doing better. And my course has content that other courses on Udemy and elsewhere dont have. And I make that very clear to students.

    As a new instructor you have to be better than existing instructors to succeed. Dont put up an average course and expect it to sell above average. It will not work.

  • Mona364
    Mona364 Posts: 23 traveler rank

    I was not doing anything, he @Sijal_Ahmed
    started it again. Now i am stopped... :D

  • @Mona364
    you are replying to @sachinites
    and not me. Seconly @sachinites
    teaches Network, Linux etc.

  • Mona364
    Mona364 Posts: 23 traveler rank

    My last question @JocelynH

    1. So anybody on Udemy who is giving a free course only getting 100-200 students. Udemy is not doing the marketing boosting anymore.
    2.Or anybody who is new to Udemy giving a free course only getting 100-200 students. Udemy is not doing the marketing boosting anymore.

  • I agree.....some people feel like the world owes them something, and they wonder why they aren't becoming millionaires a week later. Things are actually working EXACTLY as they should. If something isn't excellent, then it's MEDIOCRE.

  • RajGupta
    RajGupta Posts: 322 specialist rank

    Well said.

    Thanks for keeping everyone in line. Can we ensure only "Published Instructors" are part of the Published Instructors club?

    Someone who has not published a course or is not Udemy staff should not be part of this group.

    An aspiring instructor can certainly be part of Studio U.

  • JocelynH
    JocelynH Posts: 1,536 traveler rank

    Hey @RajGupta
    , this conversation is currently happening in Studio U. Only published instructors have access to Published Instructor Club. while published instructors have access to both.

  • My mom don't give me food if I won't work.... :smileylol:

  • Good morning from Singapore.

    I came here to start my journey as an instructor and read this... WHOA!

    I've been learning from udemy on and off for a few months, and I've signed on to a few free programs.

    The free programs, in my opinion, are starters or introductions to trainers. If we look at it that, way perhaps we won't be as pressed to hurrily make thousands of dollars.

    I'm a teacher and I'm an educational company manager. My addition here is to switch focus from worrying of making money (I'm not saying money is not important) but focus on your content. Your product. And you.

    Watch your language skills, grammar and vocab.

    Your attitude to your possible students.

    Produce materials to help others build themselves. Business will then come.

  • Tracey276
    Tracey276 Posts: 135 specialist rank

    I'll have to disagree with you. I put a class out there on Business Analytics a few weeks ago and on Saturday, I made it free for 2 hours to get initial students. It picked up 270 students within that time.

  • Hi all,

    I do not know if my opinion counts, I have signed up to loads of free courses and paid ones also. I am like a sponge and enjoy most topics. I strongly believe it just depends on what you are looking for and the price structure. I have noticed the same courses can differ significantly in price. I have also read that by offering free courses it can help boost students but more so when you have multiple courses, alittle like sign posting to your other courses. Also I have taken taster free courses and full free courses. Udemy is a platform and I am not sure it is about standing out as much is it about the student the looking for a course.

  • Hi. I just published my first course and I put it up on Udemy for free at first despite warnings not to do so. My course is on English idioms and I didn't know what to expect. Didn't even research if it was in demand or not. I was amazed to get 1737 enrollees after three days! That led to some people actually buying because of the positive reviews. So I'm guessing you're in this situation of disappointment because:

    1. You didn't offer enough FREE videos to get the student acquainted with you

    2. You picked an already saturated topic that has loads of awesome videos taught by awesome instructors

    3. Video quality is bad

    4. No ratings and no reviews

    I have yet to make my first 1000 USD on Udemy but I continue to think about it as a school project. I feel like I'm making reports for school and getting paid for it. Not a bad deal. We are still so early on in our journey to expect so much. Goodluck though. Hang in there.

  • That's the right attitude. No one knows "the formula" for doing well on Udemy, because there are so many different paths to success. As far as I can tell, being patient and persistent is the common denominator behind every successful instructor. Also, I think free courses are great ;)

  • vey true, I completely agree even I was facing some difficuly earlier but have gradually started gaining students. And now I am happy and actually started working as a full time instructor at udemy. And i Love making couses and love to answere my student's queries. I actually enjoy it.

  • I recently published a course for free and I'm a new instructor. Within 48 hrs, got 2565 students

  • Congratulations @JackieOwen288
    on your new course! Free courses are always a great idea to get new students :)! Keep the great work.

    Manuel Su
    Community Moderator.

  • Yes! Looks like a future course though! However I honestly feel looking back at my previous experience while establishing a youtube audience so so forth, I will look back at concurrent feedback up of what audiences indeed will like about me! And also somewhat this will be a magnitude of experience up if selling techniques within my industry up of hairstyling while I perform online as well as within the workplace, allowing me a substantial income !!

  • FYI: The course "" mentioned in the above comment that it only has 30 students, now got 3250+ enrollments :-). Happy to see a happy ending.

  • I disagree. I'm a new instructor and within my first 4 days of posting my first and free course I am up to 276 new students enrolled. And this is without any marketing. Success depends on the course content and who the possible target market is. WE are responsible for whatever success or not we experience with any course we've created. Good luck.

  • Those who have ears, let them hear and understand. Well said!

  • Hello sir

    I published my first free course yesterday but I'm not getting any enrollment.

    Can you please help me?