Time Taken to Review Course

Hi, there I would like to know how long Udemy takes to review a course once it has been uploaded?

Like to know some of your experiences.



  • Anike
    Anike Posts: 5 researcher rank

    I submitted my Online Art Therapy Course for review and they replied very quickly saying what was still missing. It was not more than 24 hours, I would say. Its online now, you can have a look if you want =)

  • Thanks for replying Anike. Twenty-four hours is a good response time. My course has about 30 clips with 3 min average.

    Did the review team come back with suggestions on improving the course apart from what is still missing?

  • Do you have a link to the course?

  • JocelynH
    JocelynH Posts: 1,536 traveler rank

    Hey @Avril_Impacts
    , you can see her course by clicking her community username, clicking "View instructor profile" and then you'll be taken to her Udemy instructor profile where her course is.

  • Anike
    Anike Posts: 5 researcher rank

    I think you get feedback on improving when you hand in a test video, then they comment on your audio/video quality. But when you submit for review it's mainly about the rules, where you added links, how you created the bonus part, copyright laws etc.