Maximum length for a video lecture?

I think I saw a maximum time limit for a lecture - but can't find it in the help section. Is there a limit?


  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,355 Udemy rank

    Hello @RPavlis
    There is no maximum video length but we recommend videos be between 2-6 minutes long. For more information about our requirements please see the Udemy Course Quality Checklist.

    Hope this helps!

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community Team

  • I try to keep them under ten minutes. It is a bit hard to cover many subjects in 3-6 minutes. But, the research says.... you lose attention over that time.

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,299 rolemodel rank

    None other than upload size limit.

    I would recommend staying between 3-8 minutes and not going above 10-12 minutes, at that point student interest starts dropping off.

    IF you have long videos/topics, you can do part 1, part 2, part 3 etc.

  • ChrisG
    ChrisG Posts: 25 traveler rank

    Dear Eliana,
    Will it be a problem if I have a video for more than 3 hours as my course was set up like a workshop, so I cannot cut it in 10 minutes for example.

  • LawrenceMMiller
    LawrenceMMiller Posts: 2,228 rolemodel rank

    This is a subject on which there is real research. Check the references in this

    I used to live on corporate workshops. Even when live, people don't want to sit through a three hour lecture. I am sure your video can be cut down into sections that are maybe fifteen minutes at the most. No one is going to watch a three hour video.

  • It depends. Average watch time of my audiences is 12 mins. Some videos are 24 mins of watch time on average.