Audio issues

I record video and audio on my Samsung phone. I can't adjust the input volume. Is it ok to boost it using my audio director software? Will that still produce a good result?

I don't understand how to check audio volume before producing the video. Udemy said my test video was acceptable but could be louder.


  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,806 rolemodel rank

    I'm not familiar with Audio Director, but sure, boosting the level of what you've recorded after the fact is usually OK, if your original recording is clean. I think pretty much any video editing software can do this.

    Of course it's better to record at good levels to begin with. You might consider investing in a lavalier mic that connects to your phone (such as the Rode SmartLav+) in order to get a cleaner, louder recording of your voice when recording from a smartphone.

  • Lizzy
    Lizzy Posts: 162 specialist rank

    Thanks, Frank @FrankKane
    . I am using a lavalier mic and I was quite happy with the clarity. Udemy thought I have echo and need a bit more volume. Compared to other courses, I thought my audio was ok as I've heard major echo on some. But I'm not aiming for mediocracy, I know many have great audio

    But I have chosen a room where I can produce the best talking head video. The acoustics are not the best because it has hard floor.

    I also need to watch for clothing rustle and improve my placement of my mic.

  • Hi Lizzy.

    Yes it's fine to turn up your audio after recording. However you will also turn up any

    noise that is present as well.

    I had a quick look at the manual for Audio Director and I see it's got a Noise Reduction

    function. Probably worth while learning how to use that.

    Best of luck


  • Lizzy
    Lizzy Posts: 162 specialist rank

    Thanks @LiamDavin1
    for your advice. I will take a look at that and see if I can get the balance right with noise reduction and volume.