unluky end

5 month passed when i start in udemy trying to publish my first course ,ofcourse i start to see hours of free courses and youtube learning about how to creat my first course then iv bought the hardwares then spend weaks to learn camtasia then months to complet my 26 lectures course i was soooooo hapy that iv reached the submit for reviw end step ....last day i hit it iv got a bom in my face my country is not supported???????huh why dont you tell me that befor starting but they told me to e mail the support they might found a solution this is the most sad event iv got since a years
which country are you from
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Assalamu Alaikum @Hadher
,Congratulations on completing your first course!
I just finished reading your post and it seems to me that you're from one of the countries which udemy doesn't accept an online intructor account verification from.You simply need to record a 'Talking Head' video stating that you're the owner the course you're publishing and then sending that video to the email which you're told to send it to in the alternate account verification instructions.
I had to do this too since my country wasn't part of the countries which Udemy accepts online account verification from.
I don't think there's any problem here. So there's no need to get ll worked up about it.
I really hope this helps.
I wish you all the best with your new course @Hadher
. Have a great weekend.Cheers!
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I am from Iraq (the biggest problem country in the univers)0 -
wa alkuom alsalam wrahmatullah yes exactlly as you say ,,,iv send them the email containing my tistify of ownership ,my full name with short vedio but no replay since yesterday is it normal to late them replay???1 -
Hi Hadher. Udemy has tens of thousands of instructors and tens of millions of students. And you sent them a verification video on the weekend. I don't know what the normal turn-around time is, but I think you need to have a little bit of patience. You spent 5 months preparing your course; give Udemy at least a week to do their verification.
Success on Udemy is a months- to years-long process. If you don't have the patience to wait a few days, I think you are setting yourself up for an emotional rollercoaster.
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you are right sir and iam rong , i forget saterday is an off day (you know our's is friday) udemy alway's replay to me within hours that is make's me indout of un delevered e-mail that is it all thanks0 -
Hi @Hadher
, it usually takes up to 2 business days to receive a reply from our Review team regarding verification.Regards,
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thank you erika it is ok now ther was a missunderstod and solved0 -
What is your country?
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iraq0 -
I got to know about udemy 2 months back and since them I am planning for my course. Finally submitted it last week. My country was also not listed hence had to make a video stating ownership of my course and credentials. It's in the process of reviewing and I hope for the best. They may take atmost 2 business days time for the review and evaluation purposes. It might be little overwhelming at times after all the hard work and going through procedures, but it's all worth. Patience is the key to success. All the best for all working towards it.
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yes sir my issu has been solved it was just a matter of verification iv send the certifiying short video and accepted today ,my course submitted for review i hop it will published soon and worths it s hard work thanks0 -
thank you Lizzy my course published and iam working on promotionshttps://m.facebook.com/groups/435472573711336?view=permalink&id=473613329897260