When to make the switch from Free to Paid?

I had a course up and running for a while and only had about 4 or 5 people pay for it. I then found a way to give out a bunch of free coupons and gained about 2,200 students. Not many reviews came from it though. Finally, I straight up switched the course to free and now have over 3,200 students with some good reviews in the mix now.
My question is, when should I switch back to paid? I know it's my last chance to go back and forth. What I hope to gain is the ability to email market the 3,200 students about new courses I come out with in the future.
Should I wait until I reach a certain number? 10,000 perhaps? If I can get 1% of 10,000 students to sign up for a paid course, I would consider that a win.
What are your thoughts on this?
Maybe the published author club can advise you. But, I guess there is probably no formula. Follow your instincts!1