Paypal account creation

I wish to create my PayPal account to create a paid course in Udemy. Which type of PayPal account should I create?

Personal (or) business ?

PS: I am from India.


  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,560 Udemy rank

    Hi @Aswin94
    Currently our Premium Instructors can select either PayPal or Payoneer to deliver the revenue they earn from their Udemy courses. For more information on how to apply to become a Premium Instructor and set up your payment methods, please click here.

    Hope this helps!

    Eliana Cerna

  • Any helpful reply!?

    Business or Personal account, simply

  • dilips
    dilips Posts: 45 storyteller rank

    Hi Mostafa,

    I have a paypal India account. Mine is a PayPal Business account.

    The benefit with Business account is that there are less restrictions with the amount of money you can make.

    You might have to submit a GST to the paypal business account. Because you will get a GST bill every month.

    Hope this helps!


    Dilip Sundarraj.

  • I have the same question and i still can't find a satisfactory answer... Are these the only differences between a business and a personal account? What other implications are there, any impact on taxes or other aspects?

    Are there benefits to offering the course as owned by a company or by you personally? Any more insight on the topic would be really helpful :)

    Thanks in advance!

  • Manan904
    Manan904 Posts: 8 researcher rank

    For making a business account, it asks for many details like Paypal CC statement name, setup date product/service etc. How did you fill those details?

    Also, if I keep my personal account only and not change it to a business account, would there be an issue in receiving the payment?

  • dilips
    dilips Posts: 45 storyteller rank

    Sorry for the delay in response. The only issue i forsee is that, if you make more than 1lakh per month paypal might ask you to upgrade your account to business. So instead of doing it later, my advise would be to set it up as business account in the first place.

    For Business Information:

    • I gave my name as the business name
    • product/Service -> Online Teaching

    Information about Transferring the money to your account:

    • Paypal automatically transfers the money to your bank account the day next to the payment recieved from Udemy.
    • Make sure you Business Information name matches your bank account name


    1. You need to have a GST account set up ready.You can reachout to for setting up the GST
    2. Paypal generates a GST bill everymonth
    3. I file GST every month with

    I hope this helps lot of Indian Instructors in Udemy



  • Hi Dilip,
    I am Chetna and recently I have launched a course and I created a Paypal Account. I read that you made business account for the same. Can you please help me about what option to use for service and product because as you mentioned above there is no option such as Online teaching in the drop down option. And also, what option did you choose for Purpose code?
    It would be great if you help me. Been trying for so long and found your answer here.
    Thank you.

  • @Chetna_Morkhade
    Thanks for reaching out. I just gave my name as the Business Information. Make sure it matches your name in the Bank Account you have it linked to.

    I don't exactly remember what option I chose during the set up.

    But I am pretty sure I selected something related to education.

    What are the options do you see ?

    Best Solution: Reach out to PayPal itself. It's better to call than email.


    Dilip Sundarraj

  • Hi Dilip,

    Thank you for your prompt reply. I reached out to PayPal and they advised me to take help of my tax advisor. As there was no such options as education in the products code.

    I selected P1109 (Other personal, cultural, or recreational services)

    Once again. Thank you :)

  • @Chetna_Morkhade
    we have just put the code the same as you. Paypal told me it will take 2-3 days to confirm.

    What are the further steps in the process after that, to receive payment? Can you help us?

    Did they cut any tax? If, yes how much?

  • Onnet
    Onnet Posts: 26 traveler rank

    I believe you can only have a business account now to receive payments.

    Can you tell me if GST a mandatory thing to provide in business accounts ?

  • Onnet
    Onnet Posts: 26 traveler rank

    Did it make any difference for the product code P1109 ? Have you uploaded GST details in Paypal ?

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,560 Udemy rank

    Hi @Onnet
    you don't necessarily need to have a business account to get paid by Udemy, you can apply PayPal account as personal and fill out all the information needed. Please check this article on how to set up your payment method.

  • dilips
    dilips Posts: 45 storyteller rank

    Hi Onnet,

    I don't think paypal is going to mandate you to enter GST details but they keep sending emails to update the correct GST Details.

    From India perspective, any amount you earn you need to pay GST. So with Udemy being accessed world wide you can file a LUT which means you don't need to pay any GST.

    But you still need to file GST every month with the amount as 0 as it is mandatory.

    If you are living in India then you can use

    Read more about LUT in here.

    1) Buy the LUT from them and have a LUT filed for your business

    2) You need to file GST every month. You can buy the GST plan from the same portal.

    Let me know if you have any questions.