About Road map/Do you work everyday to make a online video?

Hello my name s Ibrahim Caner.Im newbie in here.Im surveying engineer. Before i joined this website, i heard passive earn from the web.Then i read more about it.Giving online course could be better way to achieve this aim. So the main question: Do you plan everyday what you want to do?For example: you made 6 sections.But you only completed 2 section.And you still havent upload those 2 section(videos).Cos you havent finished yet (4 sections more that you need to upload). Anyway, do you have advice?I want to give course about Arcgis.I want to share my knowledge.

Thanks for helping


  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,881 rolemodel rank

    I usually start the day with a goal of some sort, like filiming and editing one section of a course I'm working on. If you're just starting though, it's hard to know how to set realistic goals for yourself yet. It's best to just have a plan, and execute it as best you can with focused work at least a few hours a day.

    Slow and steady wins the race, as they say. As long as you make steady progress every day, it'll get done. But don't stop that steady effort until it's published; your effort is worthless until your course is on the marketplace.