Paid for the course but never started

Hi fellow instructors,

Have you ever been in the same situation as me?

Several people paid for my course but they never started it. It hasn't been a big problem if there are just 2 or 3 students like that. The figure kept increasing and until now I got 6 people. I have just launched it for 3 weeks. I sent them message to understand why and how to motivate them to start or move forward but I got no response and still no action from them.

What do you think? Do I need to do anything?

Thanks and best regards

Ryan Holmes


  • Courses are like gym membership. People get excited to start, but rarely do they start right away (I'll start next week, month, after I finish another course etc). And, many end up not starting at all. Out of those who do start, minority of them will finish. It's not a reflection of your course. That's simply a human nature that kicks in for everything that requires effort and time investment.

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,299 rolemodel rank

    It is hard to tell with that few students.

    I have a course I launched 3-4 weeks ago, ~1,500 paying students and close to 1,000 of those have not started the course.

    It is normal to buy because you want to learn it , that may be now, in 2 weeks or 2 years.

    With Udemy you get lifetime access and many buy when there are sales.

    For me it would be weird if an instructor contacted me to start a course, I buy them to consume on my time.

  • Thank you very much for your opinion, it's really helpful.

    It can open my vision into consumer behavior in this field because anything which we do aims to leverage or meet consumer behavior.

    Thank you very much for it.

  • Thank Thor,

    Based on your answer, I already understood the consumer behavior here and can think of what to do next.

    Thank you very much!

  • The courses that are paid on platform have a different meaning than the courses offered for free. The tendency of student to get enrolled in course is just because it is offered for discounted price ( incase of paid courses). The free courses on other hand are just like having something for free and not using it afterwards.