Manul Verification


I'm failed in Automatic verification. So I have to go for manual verification.

Can you please tell me what is the Size limit of Manual verification video?

I have created a video which size is 45MB.

Because all big size I'm not able to send it in email. So please tell me alternate methods to submit verification video.

thank you.


  • Katherine
    Katherine Posts: 107 Udemy rank

    Hi @SharinganTechno

    The size limit to send a file through email is 20MB. Not to worry however, you may send us the video through a Google Drive link, allowing anyone with that link to have access to its contents. If you are still having issues with your video sharing settings, then I recommend using WeTransfer.

    If you have any other issue regarding this process, you can reach out to The Trust & Safety team is better equipped to answer these types of questions for you.