Practice Test Questions - Publishing a Course with Just Test Prep Questions?

Hi all,
Over the years I've developed a bank of test questions for a specific certification exam. I noticed today when creating a new course I had the option to create a "Practice Test" course that appears to be exactly what I'm looking for. I selected this course type and got to the section to populate practice test and I'm a little stuck on what to do next? It looks like I have the option to "Bulk Upload" files but I'm not sure if this is the only option I have. I can create PDF files of the questions and publish the files but I was wondering about using Udemy's quizzing module to better simulate the exam opposed to just having students download test files. Anyone have experience publishing practice tests?
You will have to convert your data to a csv format first (there’s a template on the upload page). Top of my head, it is basically a column for the question, 5 (or maybe 6) columns for possible answers, then a column for correct answer, one for explanations. It will then upload your data and create all the questions, which you can edit later.
I use that functionality a lot with my courses, you can do 2 practice tests per normal courses and 6 practice tests for practice courses (I think it has another name). All my test prep courses have 2 practice tests at the very end, the upload is super quick if formatted correctly. Note that you can’t upload images with the auto-uploader, you’ll have to do that manually afterwards.
Best of luck,