Success After Failures

Hello Everyone,

This is David Thabet, I am a Sales Engineer and I used to be a sales manager for several companies and in 2017, I saw a lot of failures through the year and didn't succeed in the company I was working at, because there were political issues in our country, but in 2018 I tried to stand up again, took several courses and training till I found some of the success in my sales work and achieved 2 years targets in a row.

I decided to learn some training skills and worked on my content to deliver what I could do to others, yesterday my course on Udemy was accepted and this is another step in my life to share with others how to sell products to customers and gain more money.

wish to know your feedback


  • SharonRamel
    SharonRamel Posts: 1,312 rolemodel rank

    Congrats on getting published @DavidThabet336
    - now your work really begins. Have you begun to implement Udemys marketing strategies? This is a great way to get your new course noticed and selling. Good luck and enjoy the ride.

  • @SharonRamel
    Can you please help me to know what to do as I didnt get a lot of students and I am frustrated if I had made something wrong

  • SharonRamel
    SharonRamel Posts: 1,312 rolemodel rank

    Hi @DavidThabet336
    , I understand your frustration and confusion. I had no enrollments in my first month and only a few in the months as you can see that followed. I had to learn how to promote myself and I did it by reading everything the successful instructors of the day did. Some of them are still here and going even better than then. I am not a natural at marketing. Screen Shot 2020-02-08 at 5.55.05 pm.png

    Have you gone through all of Udemys marketing help? Here is the link

    I just took a quick look at your promotional video at 50 seconds it is a bit short and sorry but to me your delivery is boring. It looks like you are reading. You need to mix it up to have an impact. The music is irritating. In the "build your brand" there is a lot of background noise. You are mentioning all the social media components required for success - this is exactly what you need to do.

    The advice you give is good quality. I would suggest you take a close look at your competitors, you need to have a unique selling point.

    You need to take your own advice!

    Sorry if I sound a bit harsh - this is why we always say show us what you are doing BEFORE you publish. You are trying to tell into a very competitive market place.