Fixing an information after published course


İ created a course about Geoographic Information Systems

I wanna ask a question.It was plublished.But when i look at the under the catageroies, i see that Teachning andAcademic/Social Science/Arcgis

How can i change this information?Because it is not social science.İ want to define this course in different category.It was my fault i know.But this information seems locked for changing.I cant change.

It will affect students who will try to find course? Because when i write arcgis to searching tab, i dont see my course.Cos there are approximetly 500 course about it.Maybe my course is in the wrong section , so people wont review who interested with Arcgis?Because it is in the social sciences.

So i want to change it.How can i do this?It was published.

Thanx for help :)


  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,547 Udemy rank

    Hi @ibrahimcaner88
    If you are unable to change the course category, I'll recommend you reach out to they are the best equipped. Also, could you edit your post to remove the course link (click "options" then select "edit message")? We don't allow sharing course links

    in our community per our community guidelines.

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community