Stuck in feedback process.

Hi All,

I have been working on developing a course for 6 months. It is a technical course so everything in English except the "voice" will be in Arabic.

Now I can't submit course for more than 7 days for not having every descriptive word in Arabic and I stopped the work and hold it because unfortuantely because:
- I write technical words in Requirements and the Who is this course in English and Udemy refuses this by any way.

- I even added the language and to the title that it is in "Arabic"

This is very disapoitnin, no response, nothing to do and I am stopping the course after all this effort.


  • Abbie
    Abbie Posts: 3,191 traveler rank

    Hey @Latif
    , have you reached yet? The community is not an escalation channel and I'm afraid we can't look into your specific situation with the team. The instructor support team is best equipped to look into this for you.

    That being said, we've seen a recent spike in new courses submitted for review, which is currently leading to longer waiting times when publishing new courses. We shared this as an announcement in the community yesterday. You can check it out here.

  • Latif
    Latif Posts: 3 researcher rank

    I appreciate your efforts and the current situation for sure.

    Thanks for your time

  • يوجد العديد من الدورات باللغة العربية

    لا اضن المشكل في اللغة ولكن هل جربت ان ترسل تاست للفيديو الاول لشرح الكورس ؟

  • Latif
    Latif Posts: 3 researcher rank

    ارسلت فيديو ولكن المشكلة في المحتوى لانه خليط بين الانجليزي والعربي وهو لسبب ما مرفوض في بعض الاجزاء من الصفحةا لرئيسية للكورس