Educational Milestone - My Free Coupon Fiasco - A fascinating personal learning opportunity

Hello everyone.
I wanted to share a recent experience in my journey to grow and improve as a Udemy instructor. The purpose of this post is not to complain and rant. It’s to share some reflection on a decision that I would reverse if I could go back in time. haha
I'm transitioning away from making English courses to focus more on creating American Sign Language courses. So, when I published a new English course a short while ago, I thought what the heck I'll do a free 3-day coupon and post it in some Facebook groups. Needless to say, I’ve come to regret this.
On one hand, it’s great that a ton of people used the free coupon. Yay. However, the happiness pretty much ends there. So many people have left quick, mediocre reviews without actually progressing in the course that it’s had a huge negative effect on my instructor rating. Before the coupon, my instructor rating was at 4.6 and since the free coupon fiasco, it’s currently at 4.1.
Once again, the purpose of this post is to share my journey and reflect; not to complain. I take full responsibility because I accepted the gamble and risk of giving out a free coupon in Facebook groups to an unknown and untested audience. I’m trying to look at this as a fascinating learning experience instead of a frustrating debacle. I guess we can call it a milestone in my online course creation education. haha I’m definitely going to be more careful in the future.
Feel free to respond if you have any thoughts, comments, or experience with this topic.
Thanks for your time. Have a wonderful day.
Sorry that this happened. What you are describing is pretty typical of free courses. Poor course engagement and low reviews.
I guess if the course is new and you don't have any enrolled students, you can delete it and start again. You might lose a week or so in the process but you would get your instructor average back to normal.
I hope others can learn from your mistake. Please keep sharing with new instructors when they ask if they should make their course free (which is a recurring question on this forum).
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Hello Greg. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Much appreciated.