My first course

Hello! I'm Stefan and I have a problem with my course...
I sent you a mail for verification and I received an answer on mail, but when I press "submit to verification" nothing happens. Why?
I don't can't publish my course because of that...
And a second question: at "Curriculum" although I have completed the section, it is not checked...Why?
Please, help me: I wish of the bottom of my heart to publish this course!
Thank you and I wait for an answer!


  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,568 Udemy rank

    Hi @_enescu_
    we have been receiving a significantly higher volume of support tickets than normal, and as a result, responses from the team have been delayed. We shared this as an announcement in the community. You can check it out here.

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community